XF 2.3 ?

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I say dark theme as it's on first page and already confirmed.
I don't want to spoil the anticipation for XF 2.3, but more important and urgent would be first a bugfix release 2.2.13. There a lot of bugs regarding the advanced cookie management. Users get logged-out randomly because of the CSRF issue. There is the missing support for iOS Push Notification, and more ... There a lot of open bugs that should be fixed in 2.2.x before going to 2.3.
I say dark theme as it's on first page and already confirmed.
Let's hope that's not what Chris was referring to. While cool, it would make for a "Oh" reaction. :)
Although the dark style is desired, and should come stock along side the light style. Not really sure how that is such a "ground breaking" feature for 2023.
For reference, here's the top 20 suggestions ordered by votes:

  1. Single Sign On (Connect XF with XF, WordPress, etc)
  2. Forums in Read Only mode, when closed
  3. Ignore / Filter System
  4. Implement AMP Project framework
  5. Scheduled Thread / Post
  6. Send an alert and/or email on a member's birthday
  7. Official XenForo Commerce Addon: Donations, Shop, Billing, Monetizing, Ads, Subs, affiliate, etc
  8. Allow nested replies in Q&A Threads
  9. Missing: Social Groups + Group-forums
  10. Tell users why they do not have permission to access a page.
  11. Google WebP Support
  12. Personal Conversations need Search and Labels
  13. PayPal NVP API
  14. Central Registration System
  15. a dark theme option
  16. Search & Filter Custom fields
  17. Show who's viewing / who has viewed a thread.
  18. Integrated Blogs
  19. Give the admin the option to trigger an Alert when posting a post
  20. Don't hide pagination at the top of threads on mobile

sadly, none of these will honestly change a thing for me.

sso could be valuable, but i don't/won't use it.
i never close my board for more than a few min
ignore features... already kinda exist
amp is dead
scheduled posts, can already be done with some work arounds/drafts/custom cron
birthday, who cares.
big addons, won't use any of them, doubt it's any of those anyway
nested replies, won't use either, kinda cool i guess
social groups are useless. if your board is so large that it has sects, you should build a 2nd community (IMO)
better errors, aren't really a feature
webp, ok, sure.. i still haven't seen a single one get uploaded to my site from someone's camera though, so useless. cloudinary/etc integration would be better.
convo searching and labels - ok, minor improvements... won't change a thing for the community
paypal, useful, but honestly, everyone is using other methods these days (cashapp, zelle...)
central reg - kinda like sso i guess. won't use
dark theme - ok, some may like it. a browser can do it already. there's already addons to do it too. seems moot.
search and filter improvements, ok, nice, still no real improvement
live thread - ok, but no one really cares/doesn't improve the board
blogs? really? useless
admin alert triggers? i don't get the use case.
mobile pagination - ok, i actually added this back in a while ago per a resource how to. useful, but not a thing that changes anything.

ultimately, 0 gain with any of these for ME. your results may vary, but none of that is what i want to see. I hope it's useful for someone else.
What exactly are social groups and why would they be a good thing?
Basically, the ability for a member to create their own little mini-forum, usually on a very specific topic. A couple sites I am on have them and it's kind of a neat way to engage members, though I have never found any that really keep my interest. You do need to be careful to emphasize that the site rules still apply. Any social groups system would, ideally, enable moderators to access all such groups even if they are otherwise invitation-only, IMHO.

Example: On the erotic writing and sex discussion site I am on (they don't use XF, much as I might wish they did), we have members starting groups for specific fetishes.
webp, ok, sure.. i still haven't seen a single one get uploaded to my site from someone's camera though, so useless. cloudinary/etc integration would be better.
But what if uploaded images were converted to WebP? :)

Plus we already know WebP is coming in 2.3, so I guess no reason to speculate on that one. See this:
sure, having webp will save some bytes, a few pennies at s3, and improve on-page performance a bit.

it's microns in the right direction.
but it's not going to make/save a community against the social giants, platforms with native capabilities, and a more device-first approach to interacting with others.
sure, having webp will save some bytes, a few pennies at s3, and improve on-page performance a bit.

it's microns in the right direction.
but it's not going to make/save a community against the social giants, platforms with native capabilities, and a more device-first approach to interacting with others.
True, but if you are looking for features that would allow you to compete with social giants, I think you are going to be let down (from any platform, not just XenForo). XenForo (or Invision/vBulletin for that matter) isn’t a Facebook/Instagram/Twitter comeptitor, so if that’s your goal, you need to build something more designed for that from the ground up that includes the specific functions you need.

I’d take WebP over social features any day, but I also don’t use XenForo to try and replace/compete with social networks. I’d actually love the ability to disable forums in XenForo. Annoying you have to have an addon to really do so.
I don't want social features or to compete with facebook/snapchat in any way.

What i want is the native device integration that all these services have, like direct picture sharing to their platforms from my phone camera context menu.

It's a critical success factor for me, and probably every site, where it's just easier for people to share where they are, what they are doing, etc on another platform instead of our forums.

pics? facebook or insta share
vids? up to yt

your high school friends and grandma probably doesn't care about your track day. my community does. but we still lose that audience simply because of ease of use.

maybe a week later, they will get to my forum and embed them after all their social friends already saw it and the event is old news.

We don't need to be a social network to be the platform of choice to share targeted content. But because it's harder, we lose the first put.
Sounds like you want a native app then? I think that’s the only way you are going to be able to integrate things like sharing from your camera roll. Effectively vBulletin Mobile Suite, but (hopefully) something that isn’t complete crap like vB Mobile Suite is.

The good news is XenForo has a pretty good underlying API system (what you ideally need to build native apps).
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