XF 2.3 ?

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Look at what your host gives you in attachments. Go the maximum in there.
Not necessarily applicable (in fact, I don't know of ANY hosts that limit file attachment sizes, simply FILE SIZES themself). And then if one is on a VPS, that doesn't come into play as YOU have control over that.
Some of your suggestions/comments seem to be from a very limited exposure to actual hosting environments? Not everybody is on a low end shared hosting environment (not saying you are, but from some comments it appears that you have noticeable restrictions?). They have more resources than you appear to think. My site is sitting at (on a VPS) around 1/2 TB of storage capacity.... so I'm not restricted to file sizes that others decide to impose on me. Once I start to reach my current limits, I have a multitude of options available to be to extend that.
One could say that 2.2 is the prime time version of XenForo when it comes to the amount of addons and overall bandaids available for little nuance features from 3rd party devs. Once 2.3 comes out - all hell could break loose with comparability issues and no more support of certain mods.

That is why honestly, I’m fine with staying on 2.2 for the time being - and time will tell later down the road with observing how things go that I will then consider 2.3.

But from my outlook, 2.2 is one of the best time gaps that we will get for overall features that are somewhat stable and dialed in from the devs/3rd party devs.
That is why honestly, I’m fine with staying on 2.2 for the time being - and time will tell later down the road with observing how things go that I will then consider 2.3.
I have no real issues with staying on the current 2.12.x line.. but I REALLY wish they'd get the **** fixed that is broken (and acknowledged) in the current version.
Honestly... at the "rate of improvement" that XF has presented... I have NO desire to keep my subscription current until it actually benefits me... and THAT is what is one of the major weaknesses of the current XF progress that is present. Most will NOT renew their licenses when they are getting NOTHING for it. And yes, this WILL impact the XF bottom line... you snooze, you loose.
I have no real issues with staying on the current 2.12.x line.. but I REALLY wish they'd get the **** fixed that is broken (and acknowledged) in the current version.
Honestly... at the "rate of improvement" that XF has presented... I have NO desire to keep my subscription current until it actually benefits me... and THAT is what is one of the major weaknesses of the current XF progress that is present. Most will NOT renew their licenses when they are getting NOTHING for it. And yes, this WILL impact the XF bottom line... you snooze, you loose.
Exactly, although people are enjoying 2.2 - I believe the timeline of trust has faded thin when it comes to people continuing to renewal for patch updates… well because they have been few and far between. Even for basic bugs as you describe. Frustrating for us as well.
Even for basic bugs as you describe. Frustrating for us as well.
This is probably one of the BIGGEST issues that I have currently with XF... I couldn't give a CRAP if 2.3 was released tomorrow.. .there a PLENTY of bugs that need to be addressed WELL before that, and 2.3 honestly is still simply a glimmer in the developers eye from all evidence..
The real pity.. I've been a VERY strong XF proponent for over a decade.. so when you see ME having questions (considering I've used the other major paid scripts) one should have concerns.
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From the rest of the sentence, I'm thinking you meant "proponent"??
Yep... hate when I have about 4 windows open reply to to posts.. will edit. I've got WAY to many things going on at once.. the major one is fighting the processing of M101 on my capture processing software.. which is a MUCH higher priority than the simple BS that goes on here. :sneaky:
Something like auto resize images, Grid forum/resource layout or the add-on update notification as an example. A lot of functionality I do see being standard in IPS. I don't mind that XF might also raise the price if a lot more is added by default, I am happy to pay for it.

It is now a bit out of balance, you have certain add-ons that you just want, you build your community on this, but you are pretty much out of luck if the developer suddenly stops.

For example, I had my community leaning heavily on everything from Themehouse, and we all know how that turned out. Not very reliable.
I had a ton of custom add-ons developed for my X1 site, and those developers dipped. So no more updates for those add-ons which killed me. Plus when X2 came out and All of the legacy add-ons would not work anymore, I just gave up lol. So I hear what you are saying about the inconsistency issue. Right now, I'm always operating in a nervous mode because of fear something might not work anymore. Then what would I do if customers are paying to use my site and those features? So to have some kind of reinsurance of add-ons / standard board functionality would be better than having to use a lot of third-party developers. So I get what you are saying. It is hard to run a site consistently not knowing the unknown. But you kind of have to. Unless you start developing yourself, which is what my plan is. I also split my website between Xenforo and an outside shell. So I am not solely dependent on one community software. If I need to switch to a new software I have that option.
I had a ton of custom add-ons developed for my X1 site, and those developers dipped. So no more updates for those add-ons which killed me. Plus when X2 came out and All of the legacy add-ons would not work anymore, I just gave up lol. So I hear what you are saying about the inconsistency issue. Right now, I'm always operating in a nervous mode because of fear something might not work anymore. Then what would I do if customers are paying to use my site and those features? So to have some kind of reinsurance of add-ons / standard board functionality would be better than having to use a lot of third-party developers. So I get what you are saying. It is hard to run a site consistently not knowing the unknown. But you kind of have to. Unless you start developing yourself, which is what my plan is. I also split my website between Xenforo and an outside shell. So I am not solely dependent on one community software. If I need to switch to a new software I have that option.

From my understanding - you might as well just not update if you are afraid of custom addons/code no longer being supported or working? I mean, what isnt broke... dont fix it right? That is kind of where I am at with 2.2. If our entire site is suiting our needs nicely and providing the service that is desired, then why go through the hassle of updating to a new Xenforo version that could then make life harder than it should be for the same outcome?
Summer July GIF by Benny Box

Today is a lovely day where I am. The sun is shining, the weather is nice, summer is coming. Oh, wait what?

Yeah, summer. After I realized that summer is coming the first thing I thought about was XF and what it means that the summer is coming.

Holidays, summer break...

Please, at least release 2.3 before the summer break starts.

We all wanna go on holidays and it would be nice to deal with the upgrade before the holidays start.

And you also wanna go on your holidays and then till you come back and get on it again, it will be october again.

And we will need weeks/months for preparing our boards and waiting for addon developers anyway, so for some it will mean 2024 if this goes much longer.

And please hire new people, all alarming signs are there. Not sure what else has to happen to say "ok, we are pretty slow for real".

We all wanna go on holidays and it would be nice to deal with the upgrade before the holidays start.
Not necessarily.. some of us have reached the point in our life that EVERY day can be a "holiday". Good planning and old age does have it's benefits (albeit with some detractions :eek: )

My main concern still remains getting bug fixes put into place over a new version. Yes, I would love the editor issues to be a "bug fix" but honestly expect that to come in at least a x.Y.z release and not a point release.
I don't know about other places but here in Canada summer holiday season pretty much starts with Victoria Day (May 24) so no way there's going to be a full cycle of HYS and betas by then.

I would put my money on 2.2.13 this month, 2.3 probably not until late summer or fall though HYS and betas might start over the summer . But that's just a guess based on where we are at and how business cycles tend to go in the summer season.
Summer officially starts in June 21.

Generally speaking the summer holidays start in July. Depends on the region and country and their regulations (so not everyone goes at the same time).

Summer break lasts vaguely from July-August (6-8 weeks). Some of them start as early as at the end of June, and some breaks go until 2nd week of September.
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