XF 2.3 ?

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Except when I reply. Great. Another 20 second setback.

Angry He Man GIF

Don't forget to factor in context switch time. Have to refill the brain's registers with the context of the current programming problem at hand. Another 2-20+ seconds of setback.
Even if our situation is problematic, I like that a part of the team can still make a joke about it. It shows that they are a good sport about it.

We criticize them a lot on here and not being sour about it is really a good quality both Brogan and Chris has. Thanks.
And I would wait 500 days
And I would wait 500 more
Just to be the man who waits a thousand days
For the next version of XenForo

All I'm saying is, other forum platforms took 11 years between an x.y and x.y+1 version. Now, they're not paid, I know, but y'all taking this way out of line here.
All I'm saying is, other forum platforms took 11 years between an x.y and x.y+1 version. Now, they're not paid, I know, but y'all taking this way out of line here.
C'mon :). Way out of line? Bringing up an extreme case is not an argument, especially when it is a free software. But say we are way out of line and the example is valid.

Should we check how many releases vB, IPS, WBB have had in the same time frame? In 11 years?

Don't insult our intelligence please :). I know you mean it well and you solidarize with the team as a developer yourself, but let's not pretend that we are way out of line here.
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Who's overreacting? I was the one suggesting patience there.
There's a few in here who are overreacting.
Some are not so nice about it, some just laugh it off.
We had @Brogan tell us all to stop bickering or we'd be waiting a month.
@Chris D pwning brogan and many of us who are way off with what we think will happen.
People have been infracted by these two and others just for reporting the posts.
Some of us take it seriously.
Some of us think everything is a joke.

I say calm ya farm everyone.
let's wait and see what happens here.

Would love the staff here to communicate more on what's happening.
But say we are way out of line
Given that this thread has turned into personal attacks, I'd say it's gotten out of line. And in any case there are doom-mongers talking about this being an extreme occurrence and I'm like... you think this is extreme? This is nothing. (Especially as the aforementioned seems to have a roadmap of fixes only for the foreseeable. I see interesting parallels here.)
Look at the add-ons, with some you really think, this should have just been standard in XF.
For a LONG time the the base design philosophy (from what I have seen posted) for XF is the DEPENDENCY on extension by 3rd parties and a very rare "advancement" of it in core. There are admin features added fairly regularly, but actual stuff that benefits the end user themself? Not so often.
Something like auto resize images, Grid forum/resource layout or the add-on update notification as an example. A lot of functionality I do see being standard in IPS. I don't mind that XF might also raise the price if a lot more is added by default, I am happy to pay for it.

It is now a bit out of balance, you have certain add-ons that you just want, you build your community on this, but you are pretty much out of luck if the developer suddenly stops.

For example, I had my community leaning heavily on everything from Themehouse, and we all know how that turned out. Not very reliable.
Tell me so i can remove an add-on...
Not to custom sizes from the thread post... but automagically to a fixed maximum size

Screen Shot 2023-05-03 at 3.42.42 AM.png

You can easily find it with a search in the ACP. I don't think you will see the level of granularity that you appear to want/need by the default. From my understanding anything above that will be resized down as long as the file size does not exceed the maximum set.
Nah, we post much network stuff and i dont want to loss to much space on screenshots about current settings.

Thanks for pointing directions.

*In the meantime, we are close to page 100 :confused:
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