Server issue XF 2.1 Avatar issue


Well-known member
Affected version
Im just messing with the avatars at the moment and came across this issue. Only seems to happen sometimes. Screenshots added. Also the avatar next to our name in nav shows as white to sometimes.

Using FF. testing .png and .jpg.

I think this is more likely to be a network issue than anything, or at least something outside of XF. The serving of the file once it's uploaded is handled entirely by the web server. If a hard refresh fixes it, then nothing has changed in terms of what XF wrote out. (If it remains half displayed and a broken image is stored on the disk, then that may be something we could look into.)
You're probably right there mate. Tested again then. Doesn't do it to me on 2.0. Cheers for the reply.


  • avatar1.webp
    21.8 KB · Views: 25
It happened to me when i changed my avatar also here, but only showed briefly half white cropped then returned fully after a few page changes, could be a browser issue maybe, chrome used here.
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