XF 2.1 XF 2.1.4 to 2.1.5a Upgrade Issue - Files are owned by different user



I am getting the following error

The following issue was found when determining if a one-click upgrade is possible: The files are owned by a different user than the upgrade is running as.

I am on Bitnami LAMP stack and from Bitnami forums I come to know that the PHP user should be the bitnami user. I ran a chown and changed the owner of all xenforo files from root to bitnami but to no avail.

Can anyone explain what's the issue?
Depending on the server setup, it would generally need to be owned by "nobody", "apache" or the user's account. Often I've seen folks end up in this situation when they run the command line importer, and the command line is a different owner than the account the web server normally runs for that user. If you've ever run the command line importer, double check that.
I am having a similar issue with just one of the forums I manage which won't auto upgrade.

A clear statement from Xenforo staff on what the upgrader expects in terms of both ownership and permissions would be helpful.
A clear statement from Xenforo staff on what the upgrader expects in terms of both ownership and permissions would be helpful.
As the message text states - "The files are owned by a different user than the upgrade is running as."
The ownership needs to be the same for the files and PHP.

The files are owned by a different user than PHP is running as. This would usually indicate something like mod_php or PHP-FPM (depending on exact config) where PHP often runs as the "nobody" user. Therefore, you will need to do the "traditional" upgrade.

(Compare to a common cPanel setup where you FTP/SSH in using a particular user and PHP runs as that same user.)
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