Fixed XF 1.5.4 Moderation Queue Disappears


New member
Hi everyone,

Sorry if this has been reported before hand, but I figured I would let you know. As the board owner, I have access to every permission available. I am a super moderator and have access to all perms there as well. So when I am normally on my board I can see the admin cp, the reported items, and the moderation queue. However, if I test someone else's permissions that does not have moderator access the queue is still available on my screen. Once I click it, it goes away and says that the page is not accessible. Great.

Now the problem is when I revert back to my actual permissions, I can not get the moderation queue to come back. I have to log out of the board and log back in, or remove myself as a moderator and add myself back with the exact same permissions to get the queue button to pop back up.

I hope this has been fixed, or I am just missing something. But, I can get this to reproduce every time, so maybe it is an option I have set somewhere in the board settings.

Thanks for the help!

- Nimbus
This is fixed for the next release now, thanks. This has to do with data being cached into your session while testing permissions.
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