XF 2.1 XF 1.5.22 update directly to XF 2.1.3?

The short answer is yes as the Xenforo upgrade system will take you through all of the intermediate stages - but I assume you are aware of all of the implications moving from XF1.x to XF2.x (templates, add-ons etc). It isn't trivial.
Thank you both. I've done a good amount of testing and getting rid of all unessential addons (very few remaining). Have been putting it off this long because I know it's not going to be easy!
If there's any overlap between a certain other site, the #1 thing that got the most complaints from after the XF2 update was actually the style. That crowd did not like change. I know the pain you'll be going through with some of the add-ons/functionality you're using so shoot me a PM/email if you think there's something I can help answer.
I'm currently working same to upgrade. Keep getting I need to CHMOD 777 the internal_data or data directories but they are 777. I've removed any addon's before I started. Stumped.

I verified that they are and also redid the chmod -R 777 on both directories & check all files and dir all are 777 but I still get stop with the message that they are not writable. The current site works fine on the setup. Stumped even more, what am I missing?

This is being done on a backup server and I've reloaded and started over three times.

Getting strange, current BU board runs perfect. I can't even update to 1.5.24 without it saying I need to 777 those two directories. They are 777'd

Could it be a firewall issue? Even a clean install failed to run same issue.
That was in the back of my head. It was the issue.

FYI when using the command to install/upgrade on a command line I got it to install looked like it worked until I got to the admin panel where I got the "I need to 777 those two directories note".

I issues a "setenforce 0" command to temp disable SELINUX and everything now updated and work OK.

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