Other XF 1.1.3 to XF 1.4 Migration


Well-known member
Hello all,

I am looking for a ressource for the following tasks :

I own a forum here : http://www.forum-des-portables-asus.fr/www/forum/ (XF 1.1.3)
New set up has been done here : http://www.forum-des-portables-asus.fr/forums (latest XF)

Please find below the task to perform.
Regarding those elements, please can you tell me in PV how much would you charge for this job

Portal page (CTA)
Display adsense blocks :
above featured thread list
below featured thread list

left sidebar block order :
- Insert Adsense block (conditionnal group display)
- Last status
- Social Sharing
- Last XenGallery Media
- Poll
- Birthday
- Xentag cloud

Main page display :
- Adsense block before forum list
- Recent thread X5 tabs (or new threads)
- Taigachat Box
- Adsense block bottom
- Categories : display forums categories in line and adjust so that the pictos fits well)

Category/Post Page :
- keep left sidebar : blocks : Adsense, Last Media, Tags,
- Adsense post block under first message

- Adjust Navigation item order:
- Home (accueil) : leads to portal page (Brogan addon)
- Forums
- Ressources
- Mediathèque (sonnb XenGallery)
- Wiki
- Contribuer (donation)
- Asusiens (Members)
- Pilotes officiels (www url)

Member regisration :
- display custom fields information under user avatar in posts (see current setup)
- display fields information in member popup card. (see current setup)
- redirect user to specific post afer registration.

2. Second lot : Data Import from 1.1.3

Media & ressources :
Import categories and media to Sonnb XenGallery from :
- existing [xfr] User Albums
- existing XenMedio categories, vidéo & playlists
- fix media links in post to fit the new forum url.

Forum & user data
At this stage, data has been cloned until last 11 decembrer.
Import groups, users, ratings data, categories(and pictures), posts
and conversations.
Import existing Tags, Prefixs, Moods and Smilies
Import Bookmarks
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