XenScripts WordPress to XenForo Bridge [Paid] [Deleted]

Its ok now.

I change theme but :

The Forum ID specified is not valid, check your XenForo bridge options
The Forum ID specified is not valid, check your XenForo bridge options

You need to go into the WordPress/wp-admin settings panel for the bridge and add forum IDs to categories.

This is the same place you added the path to XenForo.
Has anyone been getting the following error in their xenForo log after installing the plugin? It doesn't seem to cause any problems but it bothers me...

does anyone know how i'll go about deactivating/uninstalling this? i deactivated real quick to see what would happen and all of the authors are gone, none of the posts have authors now... how can I deactivate/uninstall this but have the authors stay?
does anyone know how i'll go about deactivating/uninstalling this? i deactivated real quick to see what would happen and all of the authors are gone, none of the posts have authors now... how can I deactivate/uninstall this but have the authors stay?


Did your authors have accounts on Wordpress before you started using the plugin, or have they registered (on XenForo) since then? If they have, you'll need to firstly create new accounts for them in Wordpress itself and then you will need to map the author IDs for all the posts to the new IDs. This can be mostly automated and isn't a big job, as long as you don't have too many authors. If you need a hand with it, please send me an email to the same address as you received your license code from and I'll arrange to walk you through it on Skype.

Hey all,

Since re-installing Xenforo after a failed upgrade, I finally got XenScripts working again, almost fully. The only issue I am seeing now is that I can log in through wordpress, redirecting to the forums, but then if I go to the forums, I won't be logged in or can log in using a different account and switch between the forums and wordpress site with two different users.

I had this issue awhile back and forgot how to fix that.
1. I am looking at the XF to WP Bridge Options graphic that you have posted on this blog entry, and I do not understand the different between the following options..

- Also create threads for new WP Pages (in forum ID)
- What forum ID should threads for each category of post go in?

2. I plan to install the LDAP Login extension on Wordpress as I have other applications on this server that use LDAP for login.


Any clue what might happen to sign-on when I install the bridge? I am going to assume that XF takes-over the sign-on process, so that a user will be able to sign-on to WP using either their XF credentials or their LDAP credentials. Any thoughts?
1. I am looking at the XF to WP Bridge Options graphic that you have posted on this blog entry, and I do not understand the different between the following options..

- Also create threads for new WP Pages (in forum ID)
- What forum ID should threads for each category of post go in?

2. I plan to install the LDAP Login extension on Wordpress as I have other applications on this server that use LDAP for login.


Any clue what might happen to sign-on when I install the bridge? I am going to assume that XF takes-over the sign-on process, so that a user will be able to sign-on to WP using either their XF credentials or their LDAP credentials. Any thoughts?
I purchased this addon quite some time ago and would really appreciate your input on the above.
Hey guys,

I have two questions. First, is this mod still working on XenForo 1.3.5 and WordPress 4.0? And second question, I have one XenForo and two WordPress portals, it is possible to connect all three databases with this modification?

Thanks for helping.
Polle: Has anyone updated to WordPress 4.0 and Xenforo 1.4 using this ?

I have purchased this XF - Wp Bridge, but have come to a conclusion this software does not work with the newest versions of software for XenForo / WordPress dating October 3, 2014 .

Once the plugin was installed and enabled. I set it up and tinkered around with some settings. Once I saved and configured everything. I had a critical error on line 362 of ../includes/user.php and had to do a complete re-install of the software. Lucky me I didn't install this on a live site first.

I have opened up a dispute ticket asking the developer (Jamie) to work with me in getting this thing to work. Many people are needing this type of software to bring an entire community together.

Who here would be willing to donate some funds to get this project up to date? I would donate another $20 bucks personally if we could get the ball rolling on this important software.

I could personally design a plugin for this, but I do not have the time to do that under the circumstances of launching a huge website on a specific deadline. Although, if this does not work - my next priority is getting this to work. This is a gold mine waiting to be excavated.

I believe the XenForo software will out play Vbulletin 10 fold, but there needs to be more consistency with the add-ons updates.

I have created a thread on this also:

XenForo.com: https://xenforo.com/community/threa...4-0-xenforo-1-4-1-compatibility-issues.84436/

XenScripts.com: http://xenscripts.com/community/thr...atibility-issues-donations-idea-to-jamie.674/
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