XF 1.4 Xenforo's social integration error

Nicky Vermeersch

Active member
So I am trying to get Facebook Integration to work on my website. I made a Facebook app and it went live with the proper setup:

2015-07-17 14_39_45-MCME Login.webp

I setup my Xenforo installation with the application id and the secret key. Now whenever a user (does not matter if registered or trying to associate and already excisting account) tries the Facebook Integration, it prints the following error:

Minecraft Middle Earth - Error
Facebook did not provide an email address for your account. Please ensure that you have a confirmed email address listed in Facebook and try again.

I also tried associating my own account on the website (where I used the Facebook Integration both here on Xenforo and on numerous other websites, and it works.) So the error where it says that I don't have a confirmed email doesn't make any sense. I think the error lies somewhere with my forums not getting the email adress.

Anyone has any experiences with this?
I am also trying the Google Integration, but I have issues with that one as well. Is this related to the same bug?

400. That’s an error.

Error: origin_mismatch

Application: Minecraft Middle Earth

You can email the developer of this application at: webmaster@mcmiddleearth.com

Request Details
That’s all we know.
The Google error is typically due to incorrect settings (URL) in the app.

Ensure you have set all of the fields up correctly.

There are only two fields right? I created a new project at the Google Developer Console, went to APIs and Auth > Credentials. I then had to setup a consent page which I did with all the fields filled in.
After that, I could Create Client ID for a web application where I just put my domain twice inside "Authorized JavaScript origins" and "Authorized Redirect URI's" right? I think that's the only place where things can go wrong.

edit: Managed to fix the issue by adding a Domain Name Registration and Web Hosting | Domain.com and a Domain Name Registration and Web Hosting | Domain.com entry.
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