XenForo vs. Flarum, NodeBB and / or Discourse


I have a week since I met the existence of Flarum, NodeBB and Discourse. They are software forums that are innovating the market without a doubt. Flarum is the youngest of all, but it is the one that has the most potential in my way of seeing. Although Flarum takes many features of Discourse and NodeBB, it integrates and develops them in a spectacular way. In addition they have unique features that make it great forum software.

What you have in favor of these 3 forum software, is that they have a simpler user interface. Its use is totally intuitive, without so much complexity. It is easy for any user to use them. Above all Flarum. Gamification features are applying it, ease of use, social networking features. But without losing the essence of a forum.

Although Flarum is going further, it forgot the categories and sub-forums that both represent what is a forum. And I replaced it with an easy-to-use etiquette system. Honestly, I prefer the old. But I admit it is a genius that feature. Flarum is excessively fast, but you can understand this because it still has few features compared to the others.

They must understand that these 3 forums software are adapting and taking advantage of social networks, not to lose before them. While software of forums already known, follow the same path, do not seek to innovate. For me those 3 software forums, in the long run but concrete actions are taken. They are going to flood the market, they will take advantage of it.

To understand me it is necessary to read the messages and topics that I have published here in XenForo since I register. To understand the magnitude of the matter. I like XenForo, it is the best forum software today. But everything changes, and with XenForo 2 (although it is not finished) you do not see the innovation, only more characteristics (good). XenForo 2 will be a bomb if you apply these suggestions perfectly:

  1. "Home" and Share - XenForo: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/home-and-share-xenforo.124033/#post-1118978
  2. Gamification System - XenForo:https://xenforo.com/community/threa...-growth-of-the-community.121099/#post-1118904
  3. Level Systems in XenForo: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/level-systems-in-xenforo.123788/#post-1117512
Although I consider it necessary that the option of adding an image and / or video in the comments of the state publications in XenForo, would be great. Which is the biggest competitor for XenForo among the mentioned software? Personally I consider Flarum as the biggest competitor (and it's open source). And you?

Greetings all, Reinhard :D
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