Hi all, just curious as to how Xenforo upgrades work. Do they often update a lot of templates when upgrading the software?
Reason I'm asking is if I do a lot of template edits I don't want to be redoing them after every Xenforo upgrade. I'm not going to remember them all, lol.
I don't like template edits. I'd rather have a pineapple shoved up me where the sun never shines than do a template edit.
With that said, my site has, well, let's just say every major, and most secondary templates, I have edited quite extensively. Even though I despise editing templates, the style always comes first.
My site has gone through many XenForo upgrades, and no issues. The built-in template merging system works very well. I never lost any template changes I have made:
Icewind Dale RP
As for remembering what changes you have made to your templates. I don't remember mine, and I don't need to. The built in template history, et el, shows you all the changes made to each template against the default style. Heck, it even shows if you removed a line break.
I'm looking forward to XenForo 10 point oh. Yes, they are pulling a Microsoft and jumping from 1.x straight to ten. XenTen for short, and with the new silver style, it will be called Xen Ten Tin. Man's best friend. Any how, 2.0 or Xen Ten Tin, I'm not sure how the new TMS will work, hopefully as well as 1.0's, so I'm not all that concerned.