xenForo updates


Active member
Hello guys!
As I can see, xenForo develpers didn't update it from February! Do you know something new about whats going on?!
Lets be honest, xF needs some improvements in the UI with some additional settings in the admin control panel. And of course that can not be done without the developers :) BTW, I don't think vBulletin would win the lawsuit. The software without continuose development and improvements will die.
For me, converting to xenforo is somehow risky since migrating to a software without updates and improvments will destroy it by the time, because other forums palaforms will update their stuff while xf is the samw without updates!
I would here from you guys, should I migrate to xF and accepting it like it is without updates?! Or just keeping my vB license and continue with it?
You're free to believe what ever you want. I'd consider what Brogan's motive might be for 'badmouthing' XF. In his own words it's because XenForo is lying and deceiving customers, which seems reasonable to me.

I don't recall Brogan ever being that harsh. Also while I'm a Brogan fangrrrl, deeply respect the guy, he's human and he fell out with the team. So what he says cannot be taken without a pinch.

Also please note that while Ashley in a round-about way said development was on hold in the last announcement, that the toll of the lawsuit was causing strain with XenForo Ltd. long before they cared to admit it to customers. Why did they hold off so long?

Because when you're in the leader position you try to protect your people from bad news for as long as possible. In their place I would have kept up a cheerful face for as long as I humanly could. It would seem weak to whinge to us about the strain.
But then when the strain really affects their work they sensibly realise they do need to tell us that's what has happened.
They are brave strong guys and I respect them for it. I've done the same pattern as a leader many times - not admitting the strain I was under. Got THAT T shirt for sure.

There has certainly been news over the course of this year that they still haven't reported officially.
... They are almost certainly keeping some information from customers.

Yes I would expect that. We are not their family, best friends, or core members of their business.
We are an extended panel of supporters and users, and they have undertaken to be surprisingly open with us about what is going on. Compare VB which censors and bans members etc around the same issue.
But KAM have no duty to disclose to us. It's for them to draw the line what they say and don't say.

In all the six years since 2003 I have dealt with them, back on VB and now on XF I have never known them to be underhand in the sense of hiding something that we NEEDED to know for our own self protection. So I don't think they have changed on that.
I think there may be some bits not being made public. I am as certain as I can be that that will be due to strategy to do with the court case. I trust them to give me good code and I trust them on this. (I might add I'm not usually a trusting person!)

To be clear, I am a huge fan of XF. I will sooner write my own solution from scratch than switch to IPB or vB or another platform. I expect that they will overcome this court case and try to recover from the issues it has presented, and I will use XF until I am left with no other choice, and you will not hear me complain once about waiting on the lawsuit

I salute you Jeremy for your strength and loyalty. I love your statement here. Venceremos!

I expect they will win the case and it may very well settle early out of court.
I expect that KAM will need a month to recover - they will really feel the exhaustion once it's concluded.
THEN we can expect some cracking good code, better than they have ever done before. Being liberated from the court case burden will release a whole pile of energy and determination - I've got that T shirt too!
You're free to believe what ever you want. I'd consider what Brogan's motive might be for 'badmouthing' XF.
Consider this: Brogan on the basis of unspoken "things he knows" has been the source of ALL the nasty rumors emanating in the internet world. ALL of them. He both makes revelations and chastely hides behind, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, "he can't reveal anything". Even his friends can't defend that moral character any longer. Meanwhile we have our own Jake Bunce, who is in the know but also "can't reveal anything", but he doesn't start rumors, and doesn't seem to see anything scandalous in his inside knowledge. I'll let you take your pick.
I have a lot of respect for Brogan and I find it very distasteful to see so many people here throwing him under the bus.
I respect Brogan too, for what it's worth. He has done a lot for this community and is more than entitled to his opinion.. but there are some things that I think may have been better left unsaid.

I don't recall Brogan ever being that harsh. Also while I'm a Brogan fangrrrl, deeply respect the guy, he's human and he fell out with the team. So what he says cannot be taken without a pinch.
Indeed. If you look in the right places he has been a bit more.. vocal about his issues with XF.

Because when you're in the leader position you try to protect your people from bad news for as long as possible. In their place I would have kept up a cheerful face for as long as I humanly could.
I am sure it started out with good intentions, though I do believe at some points they had made the deliberate decision to keep information from customers, where in my opinion they should have been more transparent. I don't hate them for it though, it's their choice I just don't agree with it. That said, it doesn't bother me as much as it does some people. I don't hold a grudge against them for it.

Yes I would expect that. We are not their family, best friends, or core members of their business.
We are an extended panel of supporters and users, and they have undertaken to be surprisingly open with us about what is going on. Compare VB which censors and bans members etc around the same issue.
But KAM have no duty to disclose to us. It's for them to draw the line what they say and don't say.
Right, and I also respect anyone who decides that they are not satisfied with where they draw the line.. but I wish those same people would respect KAM's right to draw the line where they choose. If it is unacceptable to them then clearly XF is the wrong choice.

However, I do believe that while some information has come out that is nobody's business, there are some things, such as Mike working to remove his name from the lawsuit, presumably under an agreement to stop his involvement in development of the product, that we deserve to hear about.
I have a lot of respect for Brogan and I find it very distasteful to see so many people here throwing him under the bus.
It's just me, at least in this thread, and I myself held off until now due to his past help with the community. By this point however, he's hurt far more than helped, and hurt via nasty rumors as opposed to honestly coming out and stating something. With such friends, who needs enemies. Kicking Kier when he's down is not what one would consider honorable behavior.

Anyway, that's all I want to say about personalities, as it is all off topic.
Kicking Kier when he's down is not what one would consider honorable behavior.

My team commonly say that Morgain at a quarter speed is about equal to most others going flat out. (I'm often ill)
I'd say something similar applies to Kier - Kier's 'down' is a lot like others 'up.'

I'm sure he doesn't feel like that and I hope there are plenty of people around him to remind him as my people do that when he's down he's still way above ordinary. It ain't easy being a big person, jealousy and being a target for one. But it has its advantages. You do get things done - and enemies WIPED.

I do believe at some points they [KAM] had made the deliberate decision to keep information from customers, where in my opinion they should have been more transparent. I don't hate them for it though, it's their choice I just don't agree with it. That said, it doesn't bother me as much as it does some people. I don't hold a grudge against them for it.
I also respect anyone who decides that they are not satisfied with where they draw the line.. but I wish those same people would respect KAM's right to draw the line where they choose. If it is unacceptable to them then clearly XF is the wrong choice.

Right with you. Nicely said.

However, I do believe that while some information has come out that is nobody's business, there are some things, such as Mike working to remove his name from the lawsuit, presumably under an agreement to stop his involvement in development of the product, that we deserve to hear about.
I remember reading about that so we did hear about it.Maybe not all the info but some.

Anyway the main thing is that they do try to draw the right line on where to disclose and where not. In their place I doubt I could do better. That is some bits I'd do better others worse. They're way better than most dev teams.
They've asked us to be patient until the case is cleared away. You and I and a lot of others are willing to respect that.
My team commonly say that Morgain at a quarter speed is about equal to most others going flat out. (I'm often ill)
I'd say something similar applies to Kier - Kier's 'down' is a lot like others 'up.'

I'm sure he doesn't feel like that and I hope there are plenty of people around him to remind him as my people do that when he's down he's still way above ordinary. It ain't easy being a big person, jealousy and being a target for one. But it has its advantages. You do get things done - and enemies WIPED.
Can't disagree with anything you said. :)
Thank you all guys for replying in my thread :)
After reading all of these awesome replies, I think that the best move is after June 2013. in the meanwhile I will consider buying xenForo license and testing thing out and start customizing things for the potential migration.
Also, I may convert my other vBulletin forum to xF (it's not a busy forum, about 1k daily visitors) in the coming days, and see what will happen with the SEO after migration, this will of course reflect the migration impact on SEO, and that will help me determine to convert my big forum or not.
Thank you again brothers :)
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