XenForo optimised VPS environment.

I prefer Nginx for easier rewrites and PHP-FPM is quite usful for large sites, as the PHP processes are dynamically created. Lighty runs php-cgi as fastCGI and its static. To be honest Lighty and Nginx are very close memory and CPU wise, but I prefer Nginx+PHP-FPM. Lighty gave me quite a list of trouble when it came to rewrite rules with Joomla, had to use LUA for it. Also Nginx has a native module for Memcached which is quite helpful. Static files are good, but reading from memory is even faster given the situation. I think Nginx is good with long-polling and can run as a push-server.

I will try Lighty's SAPI config sometime soon and see how it can perform. As for PHP Optimizers xCache is superior to APC for memory. ON a test server with XenForo it gave around 500KB difference per page load. Seems small but its actually quite a bit.

I'll try to enable XCache. The problem with FastCGI is that op-code caches, such as APC and XCache, just don't work, since they rely on shared memory, between the PHP processes.
I'll try to enable XCache. The problem with FastCGI is that op-code caches, such as APC and XCache, just don't work, since they rely on shared memory, between the PHP processes.

FastCGI supports opcode caches, it creates a parent process and child processes to handle things, suPHP only can't be used with opcode caches, as the process dies after it has completed the request.

I currently run Lighty+php-fcgi +xcache and quite happy with its performance, but since it is active it would really benefit from dynamic child process creation.
FastCGI supports opcode caches, it creates a parent process and child processes to handle things, suPHP only can't be used with opcode caches, as the process dies after it has completed the request.

I currently run Lighty+php-fcgi +xcache and quite happy with its performance, but since it is active it would really benefit from dynamic child process creation.

I should clarify, I meant 'work as well' well, they haven't for me, at least.
I should clarify, I meant 'work as well' well, they haven't for me, at least.
Yeah really depends on how its configured, it took me some time to get it working right too. Right now trying Nginx and XenForo, the rewrite rules are fine but seems to be having a problem with the profile tooltip, its just not firing it right.
Yeah really depends on how its configured, it took me some time to get it working right too. Right now trying Nginx and XenForo, the rewrite rules are fine but seems to be having a problem with the profile tooltip, its just not firing it right.

I'll ask the staging technician to have another play with it.
I'll ask the staging technician to have another play with it.

Sounds good, also if you try Nginx, this seems to be the rewrite rules that work, since the tooltip for profiles passes more arguments, '$request_uri' misses it and it instead loads the whole profile page parsed as json which is what causes the error. Spliting it with '$uri&$args' seems to work good.

        location / {
            try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$uri&$args;

        location ~ \.php$ {
            fastcgi_param   SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
            include         fastcgi_params;
fast now for me, it wasn't exactly slow before seen as the size of the post but before it took about 1-2secs to show and load and now its instantly on.
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