Xenforo needs a CMS.


Well-known member
It’s 2018 and Xenforo’s default layout hasn’t kept up with how users consume content.

We’re still listing a massive bunch of text only content as a front page as a stock install. Users no longer have time or ability to process this block of heavy text content. Instead, users are used to image heavy content, bytesize, clickable if needed to deep dive into what perks their interest.

Think Instagram. SnapChap, YouTube, News, Magazines, Facebook, etc etc.

Compare that to a stack of forums, threads and lists. It’s just not how we consume content anymore.

I strongly believe that an official CMS is needed for Xenforo to be relevant in 2018 onwards. I know there are 3rd party solutions, but they are not brilliant and require additional work. I know that you can custom make a Portal, but why force users to do through this labour intensive process?

Xenforo staff - please provide a polished CMS. We want to support you. We love you. But its 2018.

I'm sure CMS is something on the mind of the developer of any software. Maybe they prioritize it different than us and decide if and when to do it if the time is right. There is 3rd party portal addon that is filling the need for the moment.
I wouldn't mind having an official CMS but not at the risk of them shifting development time away from forum.
No, I have 4 forums. I want a forum with a better way of managing awesome user content and pushing it to the top.

I am worried that Forums are old and boring and in no way appeal to the new generation.

That’s not a CMS though. Something like a trending content addon coupled to a rating addon is what we need to accomplish that. Content visibility is where XF needs to improve and that isn’t just sticking it into a portal/CMS.
That’s not a CMS though. Something like a trending content addon coupled to a rating addon is what we need to accomplish that. Content visibility is where XF needs to improve and that isn’t just sticking it into a portal/CMS.
But it would accomplish much of that, no?
Xenforo is a forum script not wordpress
No it isn't Wordpress. Nor is it a photo/video gallery or a resource management system. That's why they are provided as separate add-ons for those who would like the functionality of these. Similarly, the XF devs could provide a Portal/CMS as a separate add-on for those who would like this (and wouldn't need to be purchased by those who don't).
I think a Portal, as an official add on, would be perfect.

For new users to Forums how do they know what to look for? It’s confusing.

The new generation are used to managed content, portal or CMS, whatever option provides the best content first in a visually appealing manner.

If Forums are to continue to prosper then we need this.
I think a Portal, as an official add on, would be perfect.

For new users to Forums how do they know what to look for? It’s confusing.

The new generation are used to managed content, portal or CMS, whatever option provides the best content first in a visually appealing manner.

If Forums are to continue to prosper then we need this.
It'd probably be best if you liked the first post of the Portal thread I linked you too (and you could repeat your comments in there if you liked to bring the suggestion to the top). It's the suggestions forum that the devs will look at when considering what to add or create.
Just yesterday I was trying to post in a forum to get recommendations on a graphics card. The forum was a traditional forum layout, with categories upon categories. I felt overwhelmed. Wasn't sure if I was posting to the correct forum or not. I also tried locating content to see if there were recent posts related to what I was looking for. Again, using the traditional forum layout, I was greeted with lines of text that didn't really help me find content.

I like what @RobParker said:
That’s not a CMS though. Something like a trending content addon coupled to a rating addon is what we need to accomplish that. Content visibility is where XF needs to improve and that isn’t just sticking it into a portal/CMS.

We need an option to better display content to users. I don't think that's necessarily a CMS, but a news feed that displays it in a why that's easy on the eyes and also is catered to relevant content. Something that also allows users to say, "Show me posts like this first", with a great UI.
Just yesterday I was trying to post in a forum to get recommendations on a graphics card. The forum was a traditional forum layout, with categories upon categories. I felt overwhelmed. Wasn't sure if I was posting to the correct forum or not. I also tried locating content to see if there were recent posts related to what I was looking for. Again, using the traditional forum layout, I was greeted with lines of text that didn't really help me find content.

Same here.
But for me it was in 1999.

Been waiting since.

Kier is great and all. Made vB3. then Xenforo 1.
He all but dominated the forum world.

But he makes forums.

Xenforo 1: "Just a forum"
Xenforo 2: a rewrite of 1. (8 years later).
The future: No roadmap.
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