Not a bug  XenForo & Html5 - CSS3

There is nothing wrong here.

These are declerations that Firefox ignores but are perfectly correct CSS.

border-radius, text-shadow etc is actually the correct CSS but firefox still insists -moz-border-radius etc
They are only warnings (and not errors). So IMO there's nothing to fix and worry about.

I guess having a consistent layout in all major browsers and CSS validation at the same time is something you can't have at this point... since css3 is not a completely set standard yet and so every browser has it's own way of implementing the features, like for rounded corners theres border-radius, -moz-border-radius, -webkit-border-radius and -khtml-border-radius.

And as far as zoom: 1 is concerned, it's there to fix layouts in the dreaded IE6; by triggering the IE-specific hasLayout flag. You can read up more about it on msdn or here. :)
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