My xenforo forum is compromised and is serving ads (I have no ads)
<html><body style="margin:0px;"><a href=" " target="_blank" onclick="this.href = this.href + '&clickX=' + event.clientX + '&clickY=' + event.clientY;"><img width="300" height="250" src=" " border="0"></a></body></html>
I did a file integrity check and got this result:
js/xenforo/xenforo.js File does not contain expected contents. It's the only file that has been changed.
I have uploaded it to see if you can figure out what kind of exploit is going on.
<html><body style="margin:0px;"><a href=" " target="_blank" onclick="this.href = this.href + '&clickX=' + event.clientX + '&clickY=' + event.clientY;"><img width="300" height="250" src=" " border="0"></a></body></html>
I did a file integrity check and got this result:
js/xenforo/xenforo.js File does not contain expected contents. It's the only file that has been changed.
I have uploaded it to see if you can figure out what kind of exploit is going on.