XenForo Endless 2 Column NodeList


Active member
~~~~~~~~~~~UPDATE: SOLVED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Solution for endless 2 Column NodeList

overflow: hidden;

.node .nodeText
margin-right: 0 !important;

.node .nodeLastPost,
.node .tinyIcon
display: none !important;

.node .forum.level_2,
.node .page.level_2,
.node .category_forum.level_2,
#forums > .level_2 ,
width: 200px; (Add your own width**********)
display: inline-block;
min-height: 70px;

.nodeList .node.level_1
clear: both;

.nodeList .subForumsPopup
display: none;

.forum_view .nodeList .forumNodeInfo, .forum_view .nodeList .pageNodeInfo, .forum_view .nodeList .linkNodeInfo
width: 200px; (Add your own width**********)
display: inline-block;

And the result is (you can manage it for 2/3 or even more columns):


We already have some properties relised for 2 Column NodeList on main page:

    overflow: hidden;
.node .nodeText
    margin-right: 0 !important;
.node .nodeLastPost,
.node .tinyIcon
    display: none !important;
.node .forum.level_2,
.node .page.level_2,
.node .category_forum.level_2
    width: 49%;
    float: left;
    min-height: 70px;
.nodeList .node.level_1
    clear: both;
.nodeList .subForumsPopup
    display: none;
.forum_view .nodeList .forumNodeInfo, .forum_view .nodeList .pageNodeInfo, .forum_view .nodeList .linkNodeInfo
    width: 49%;
    float: left;

However, this work only for a main/sub forum page. When you come inside of sub-sub forum and this forum has some extra subs properties don't work correctly, e.g:


What i really need is some help with writing this code for endless 2 Column NodeLists. Any ideas guys? :)
Try replacing this
.node .forum.level_2,
.node .page.level_2,
.node .category_forum.level_2
.node .forum.level_2,
.node .page.level_2,
.node .category_forum.level_2,
#forums > .level_2
Try adding .node.groupNoChildren to that list
.node .forum.level_2,
.node .page.level_2,
.node .category_forum.level_2,
#forums > .level_2 ,
Try removing "float: left" and using "display: inline-block".

inline-block adds some margin on the sides, which you can easily work around by adding "margin-left: -4px" or similar.

If your layout is fixed width your node widths should also be fixed, using percentages within fixed width parents is just asking for trouble.
Damn, i was thinking exactly about inline-blocks! Thx Natan and Arty :)
Now everything works perfect, final code is:

overflow: hidden;

.node .nodeText
margin-right: 0 !important;

.node .nodeLastPost,
.node .tinyIcon
display: none !important;

.node .forum.level_2,
.node .page.level_2,
.node .category_forum.level_2,
#forums > .level_2 ,
width: 200px; (Add your own width**********)
display: inline-block;
min-height: 70px;

.nodeList .node.level_1
clear: both;

.nodeList .subForumsPopup
display: none;

.forum_view .nodeList .forumNodeInfo, .forum_view .nodeList .pageNodeInfo, .forum_view .nodeList .linkNodeInfo
width: 200px; (Add your own width**********)
display: inline-block;
Yup i have already metioned about these guys @ the top of the topic. However their code don't support endless subs. Probably i will repost this solution right in to their topics.
Yup i have already metioned about these guys @ the top of the topic. However their code don't support endless subs. Probably i will repost this solution right in to their topics.

Ok, maybe I'm miss-understanding .. what do you mean by endless subs? An unlimited amount of sub-forums?

I have not used either of the modifications I linked to, do they support only up to a certain amount?
Honestly, you should reduce the forum description length and make the amount of lines they use up consistent. It just looks kind of bad like that.
You should really get rid of that overlay that forces you to like your Facebook group. It appears on every single page and makes you wait 15 seconds!

I imagine that will alienate lots of users.

Your theme is really cool though, I like how you've done your avatars.
FB connect appears each refresh, however it dissapear forever when you push to like. We using some cookies. Im thinking to add some extra features in to it.
Yeah, not so bad style i know :giggle:
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