Active member
~~~~~~~~~~~UPDATE: SOLVED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Solution for endless 2 Column NodeList
And the result is (you can manage it for 2/3 or even more columns):
We already have some properties relised for 2 Column NodeList on main page:
However, this work only for a main/sub forum page. When you come inside of sub-sub forum and this forum has some extra subs properties don't work correctly, e.g:
What i really need is some help with writing this code for endless 2 Column NodeLists. Any ideas guys?
Solution for endless 2 Column NodeList
overflow: hidden;
.node .nodeText
margin-right: 0 !important;
.node .nodeLastPost,
.node .tinyIcon
display: none !important;
.node .forum.level_2,
.node .page.level_2,
.node .category_forum.level_2,
#forums > .level_2 ,
width: 200px; (Add your own width**********)
display: inline-block;
min-height: 70px;
.nodeList .node.level_1
clear: both;
.nodeList .subForumsPopup
display: none;
.forum_view .nodeList .forumNodeInfo, .forum_view .nodeList .pageNodeInfo, .forum_view .nodeList .linkNodeInfo
width: 200px; (Add your own width**********)
display: inline-block;
And the result is (you can manage it for 2/3 or even more columns):
We already have some properties relised for 2 Column NodeList on main page:
overflow: hidden;
.node .nodeText
margin-right: 0 !important;
.node .nodeLastPost,
.node .tinyIcon
display: none !important;
.node .forum.level_2,
.node .page.level_2,
.node .category_forum.level_2
width: 49%;
float: left;
min-height: 70px;
.nodeList .node.level_1
clear: both;
.nodeList .subForumsPopup
display: none;
.forum_view .nodeList .forumNodeInfo, .forum_view .nodeList .pageNodeInfo, .forum_view .nodeList .linkNodeInfo
width: 49%;
float: left;
However, this work only for a main/sub forum page. When you come inside of sub-sub forum and this forum has some extra subs properties don't work correctly, e.g:
What i really need is some help with writing this code for endless 2 Column NodeLists. Any ideas guys?