XenForo Endless 2 Column NodeList


Active member
~~~~~~~~~~~UPDATE: SOLVED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Solution for endless 2 Column NodeList

overflow: hidden;

.node .nodeText
margin-right: 0 !important;

.node .nodeLastPost,
.node .tinyIcon
display: none !important;

.node .forum.level_2,
.node .page.level_2,
.node .category_forum.level_2,
#forums > .level_2 ,
width: 200px; (Add your own width**********)
display: inline-block;
min-height: 70px;

.nodeList .node.level_1
clear: both;

.nodeList .subForumsPopup
display: none;

.forum_view .nodeList .forumNodeInfo, .forum_view .nodeList .pageNodeInfo, .forum_view .nodeList .linkNodeInfo
width: 200px; (Add your own width**********)
display: inline-block;

And the result is (you can manage it for 2/3 or even more columns):


We already have some properties relised for 2 Column NodeList on main page:

    overflow: hidden;
.node .nodeText
    margin-right: 0 !important;
.node .nodeLastPost,
.node .tinyIcon
    display: none !important;
.node .forum.level_2,
.node .page.level_2,
.node .category_forum.level_2
    width: 49%;
    float: left;
    min-height: 70px;
.nodeList .node.level_1
    clear: both;
.nodeList .subForumsPopup
    display: none;
.forum_view .nodeList .forumNodeInfo, .forum_view .nodeList .pageNodeInfo, .forum_view .nodeList .linkNodeInfo
    width: 49%;
    float: left;

However, this work only for a main/sub forum page. When you come inside of sub-sub forum and this forum has some extra subs properties don't work correctly, e.g:


What i really need is some help with writing this code for endless 2 Column NodeLists. Any ideas guys? :)
What if I don't want to like because I don't want it popping up in my friends news feed or I don't have a Facebook account?

It would be a real shame to have potential users turn away because they're having a like box forced upon them.

I'm really looking forward to seeing the full site finished as it's looking awesome, but I won't be able to browse it properly (let alone register) because I won't be clicking like :(

Perhaps a happy medium would be to only have it appear on your landing page?
I ve already added some extra properties. (45 secs delay before each popup)
You can always hide like urls in your FB options (i mean you can make them publick or private). However, we just testing everything right now :) & dont want you to force to do anything you don't like. Thx for liking the design btw :giggle:
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