XenForo.com Ressource Manager Edit - Time limit

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Well-known member
It seems a time limit has been recently setup with the Resources Manager. I've started to write a FAQ inside the thread as some members requested. This time limit simply just makes this impossible to update. Could it be considered to be canceled?

Thank you.
A time limit has been implemented on editing posts due to too many members revisiting old threads and posts and deleting all content.

It is hugely damaging when hundreds of posts and threads are ruined in this way.
Is there a way than this time limit is not operative for the resource poster? Thanks.
Their concern is with people deleting content. 1.2 will have Post History so that it can be restored.

I still don't see how that will help. And how it's related because the only time the discussion side is prity much redundant is when a resource is deleted. So it wouldn't really matter.
I guess we are talking about two different things then:

A time limit has been implemented on editing posts due to too many members revisiting old threads and posts and deleting all content.

Post History and ability to restore posts would help with what Brogan has stated.
I guess we are talking about two different things then:

Post History and ability to restore posts would help with what Brogan has stated.

Oh right I see it's global my misunderstanding .I thought it was just no editing privileges on the discussion side of the RM which is bad enough.

That's even worse. I edit posts all the time for typos, update them (mainly resources) why not simply restrict editing privileges to those that are doing it instead of branding everyone with the same stick?
If people want to update, delete their content, that's their problem and their responsibility. Now if XenForo wants to behave like Facebook, that's another thing.
If people want to update, delete their content, that's their problem and their responsibility. Now if XenForo wants to behave like Facebook, that's another thing.

Apparently it is a policy of xenForo. It is also a policy on my own forums.
This policy wasn't there 3 days ago. Anyway, I wish you good luck with that, especially in Europe once a European authority on data privacy and individual liberties would have been created (it already exists in some countries and is a project for Europe).
To come back to the main concern, I'm in the same situation of Shelley, I edit very often my posts to keep them up to date. And since I'm a "foreigner" (meaning in that situation English is not my mother language) I often edit my posts as well to correct my mistakes when I'm lucky enough to see them.
This policy wasn't there 3 days ago. Anyway, I wish you good luck with that, especially in Europe once a European authority on data privacy and individual liberties would have been created (it already exists in some countries and is a project for Europe).
To come back to the main concern, I'm in the same situation of Shelley, I edit very often my posts to keep them up to date. And since I'm a "foreigner" (meaning in that situation English is not my mother language) I often edit my posts as well to correct my mistakes when I'm lucky enough to see them.

Is this new policy in writing that wasn't there 3 days ago or is this a case of the current policy is being adapted here?
It seems to be everywhere and not only to the RM...

Yeah. The trouble is there's no thought given to those that rely on the edit button which I strongly do (even at my own forum). No thought at all, just let's remove privileges and come up with <insert excuse here> .
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