XenForo.com Add-Ons / Resources System

Wow the add-on system looks frikken awesome and I am so looking forward to trying it out :) So risking asking a question that may or may not be appropriate to answer yet... How does the process for submitting an add-on work, is it like a custom form or something. Do we have a screenshot of that we can leak ?? If not it is cool I can wait..but barely :)
I would presume it works the way submitting a resource at the moment does but off course with a different layout and different required fields.
Wow the add-on system looks frikken awesome and I am so looking forward to trying it out :) So risking asking a question that may or may not be appropriate to answer yet... How does the process for submitting an add-on work, is it like a custom form or something. Do we have a screenshot of that we can leak ?? If not it is cool I can wait..but barely :)
This is how it looks at present:

Screen shot 2011-05-20 at 19.50.23.webp

Resource Manager

We have been talking for a long time about a proper solution to replace the current Resource Forums. I'm happy to reveal that we have been working on this system, and its first phase is almost ready to roll out.

The resource manager will support uploading
- multiple versions of resources,
- rating for each version,
- a means to run a form of blog with your resource
- a facility for uploading screenshots etc.
Resources are:

- will run the resource manager on XenForo.com alone initially
- as it matures we will offer it as an add-on product to our customers.
This is how it looks at present:

View attachment 15156
You think it's possible to add a FAQ section as well? What I mean is that when you display the resource page itself, there would be a tab containing help/FAQ items that don't necessarily need to have the direct attention brought on by visiting the resource's homepage (if that's a word to use). If not, that's okay, but I was thinking that would be a huge wall of text/information in one single block, and if I'm looking at the page correctly, it seems there's successive updates in that case which may have repeating information in each.

I also notice there doesn't seem to be comments/replies to it? What will happen to current threads where our add-ons are housed now?
So we can rate resources with stars?

Is this some kind of parallell development for the likes system? I'm confused as to what purpose a likes system vs a star rating system would have and why one would be used over another in certain instances.

Seems like the standard likes system seems more uniform to me and easier to parse based on categories and timeframes. IE, the most liked resources in the last 30 days, the most likes in this category, the most likes in the X category in the last X days.
that´s what I´ve been waiting for:

an add-on which cooks my meal and cleans my house ;)
the "wash your feet"-add-on is only useable for guys like Kier :p

any add-on available which finds a proper girlfriend ? :D
Likes and rating are different IMO. I might Like a mod that lets me save my quotes (XenQuotation), but do I rate that as high as something like LNBlog, or XenPorta?
So we can rate resources with stars?

Is this some kind of parallell development for the likes system? I'm confused as to what purpose a likes system vs a star rating system would have and why one would be used over another in certain instances.

Seems like the standard likes system seems more uniform to me and easier to parse based on categories and timeframes. IE, the most liked resources in the last 30 days, the most likes in this category, the most likes in the X category in the last X days.

Likes are freeform and can represent whatever you like - thanks to the author, an endorsement of the work, appreciation of the idea etc...

Ratings on the other hand are strictly related to the quality and or usefulness of the resource.

Personally, I see each system as individually beneficial for something like a resource.
Glad big Digital made this thread, was looking to comment on this subject.

Long story short a pal approached my colleague and I about categorizing "Middle East" content from feeds (random reading material http://www.marketwatch.com/story/twitters-window-on-middle-east-uprisings-2011-05-18). The platform was slated to be on Drupal but given the numerous years of experience and proven power of Kier's last product, we switched her mindset from blogging software to forums.

We spent a good amount of time rigging vbulletin to do as described previous to this new Xenforo feature. From Research Projects on the Middle East to web development, this feature will be appreciated and used extensively. It is ironic to me that the very thing I was looking to accomplish is now a feature that will be present in Kier's new product.

This team has created the best social platform in the world, looking forward to the next one.


Also, it would be handy to have "subforum boxes." Basically a widget/sidebar that you can call ($subforum-1) and display the most recent threads underneath. Probably would be a good idea for an add-on, maybe more?


The Arabic update was pleasing to read as well =)
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