XenForo Brand Icon as FontAwesome Icon?


Well-known member
I wonder if anyone has ever thought of having XenForo "xF" as an FontAwesome Icon?
WordPress, WikiPedia, YouTube etc all are there. It is a nice and sneaky way to do marketing too. *hint* *hint*

One can suggest it at GitHub but I don't have an account there. Someone just do it...

(Quoted from FontAwesome website)
Requesting New Icons
New icons mostly start as requests by the Font Awesome community on GitHub. Want to request a new icon? Here are some things to keep in mind:
  1. Please be nice. Font Awesome is a happy place.
  2. Please search to see if your icon request already exists. If a request is found, please +1 that one.
  3. Please make requests for single icons, unless you are requesting a couple of strictly related icons (e.g., thumbs-up/thumbs-down).
  4. Please and thank you if you include the following:
    1. Title your new issue Icon request: icon-name (e.g., Icon request: icon-car).
    2. Include a few use cases for your requested icon. How do you plan on using it?
    3. Attach a single color image or two that represent the idea you're going for.
  5. Request concrete objects: it's harder to make an icon to represent happiness, it's easier to make a smiley face.
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