XenForo Admin using Ubuntu 13.10 Desktop

The items I generally add after a fresh Linux install are -

GIMP (if not already part of the install)
Meld (as mentioned above)

Plus, I generally install multiple browsers, for testing. Chromium, Epiphany, Midori, Opera, etc.
Thank you for these, have to check them out.

I also install Chromium and uses gimp sometimes.

I have used KolourPaint, because its a simple image editor, but dont like that it is for kde, but I havn't found a better one that is simple and has what I want yet.

I do not use any ftp-program like FileZilla I use de ordinary filesystem and just connects to the server. Any special reason you use FileZilla instead.

(I am not using ubuntu at the moment, moved to linux mint about a year ago.)
Thanks for the list Mike :)
I'm using Chromium as default browser.
Ubuntu 13.10 cannot connect ftp/ssh/sftp using the default File manager.
Or maybe I just don't know how? :rolleyes:
I believe there is a connect to server in the menu where you can choose ssh, and then connect to your server.
Any special reason you use FileZilla instead.
FileZilla is a lazy carry-over from when I ran Windows.

@RoldanLT , aren't you using Nemo? File >> Connect to Server >> Server Details should be giving you the option to select Type from a drop-down menu.

All I got on my Ubuntu 13.10
View attachment 70349
In that dialog box, put in:
The directory part is optional, but that's how you operate it. A box then appears to enter a username and password if it needs it.
I've only ever used sftp through Nautilus, but I'm guessing the ssh and ftp parts work similar.
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