Not a bug Xenforo 2.2.13 - Authenticated Stored XSS


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Affected version
# Exploit Title: Xenforo Version 2.2.13 - Authenticated Stored XSS
# Exploit Author: Furkan Karaarslan
# Category : Webapps
# Vendor Homepage:
# Version: 2.2.12 (REQUIRED)
# Tested on: Windows/Linux
This isn’t really any more of an attack vector than many other places in the admin control panel.

In future, however, if you suspect there is a vulnerability that might need attention, it isn’t ever wise to post it in public.

Please submit a ticket or contact us from the contact form.
In future, however, if you suspect there is a vulnerability that might need attention, it isn’t ever wise to post it in public.
Thank you for your attention and research this. This bug was publihed in twitter and the most popular site with vulnerabilities exploit-db. So there is no point in hiding on
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