XenFacil's Quote - Quote with avatar and more

XenFacil's Quote - Quote with avatar and more 9.0a

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It's a great mod, but please add a limit to the number of nested quotes allowed.

When there are too many nested quotes and the oldest quote disappears because of the overflow, the page gets massively stretched vertically. This is what happens when users abuse it:


  • Untitled.webp
    30.6 KB · Views: 36
Good idea. Installed it but my quotes are absolutely as before. There's something I've done wrong?
For earlier quote must edit and save each post. Is it worth?
It's a great mod, but please add a limit to the number of nested quotes allowed.

When there are too many nested quotes and the oldest quote disappears because of the overflow, the page gets massively stretched vertically. This is what happens when users abuse it:
Coming soon.
Is is possible to quote images?

Now it shows as "View Attachment"
Xenforo works in this way. I look at what can be done. I see it difficult to do, but not impossible.

lms updated XenFacil's Quote with a new update entry:

XenFacil' Quote with avatar, depth nested quotes and attachments (images)

Version 4 Released:

  1. Avatar
    1. It can quote with avatar
    2. The avatar can be below or left with an arrow pointing to it.
    3. It can quote without avatar, with arrow left or below pointing.
    4. It is possible quote by default XenForo
    5. Support gravatar
  2. Nested quotes
    1. It can activate / deactivate on ACP -> Options -> XenFacil's...

Read the rest of this update entry...
It's a great mod, but please add a limit to the number of nested quotes allowed.

When there are too many nested quotes and the oldest quote disappears because of the overflow, the page gets massively stretched vertically. This is what happens when users abuse it:
Implemented in new version.
Is is possible to quote images?

Now it shows as "View Attachment"
Implemented in new version.

I love the fact I can now quote images, but is there also a way to have attached images show as attachments in the quote instead of the full size version?
I love the fact I can now quote images, but is there also a way to have attached images show as attachments in the quote instead of the full size version?
No. By default, Xenforo parse attach but it's displayed as link (View the attach xxx). You see the quote text. The only way, I know, is convert attachments in images (with the path for attachment).

Sorry if your expectations are not met. It's can not do otherwise.


I can't get the new quotes working, I've tried quoting others after it's been installed too and it doesnt work :(

It works only in "Convos" on the forums not actually in the forum - could this be a heavily modified template issue?
LMS = lms = Luis Martínez Suberviola
I can't get the new quotes working, I've tried quoting others after it's been installed too and it doesnt work :(
The add-on works correctly. Are files uploaded to its correct path?
It works only in "Convos" on the forums not actually in the forum - could this be a heavily modified template issue?
Sorry. I don't understand

LMS = lms = Luis Martínez Suberviola

The add-on works correctly. Are files uploaded to its correct path?

Sorry. I don't understand

Correct - the library folder was uploaded to the library path on the forum install. My users are reporting that the avatar/quote works for conversations on the forums but does not work for the threads/posts.
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