

No permission to download
Just a heads up, the live demo link doesn't work. It went to audentio.com but had MyBB selected, had to switch to XenForo and then xenBlock in the header.
I've just updated the UI.X addon and Xenblock.

Now I don't see the AD Styler even if the "Enable AD Styler" box is checked. The user group permissions are set to 'Allow'.
Anything else I can check?

Also what is the stuff in the folder \Upload\styles\xenblock\nflj ?
@Mike Creuzer How to set the default Ad Styler and color options to all the users? Users should not be able to see these options.

For example: I need to set Pacifico font for all users by default, how to set it as default to all users.
@Mike Creuzer And also i see a bug in this template, "Welcome Block" displays the welcome information for user "Sign up" even after a user login.

Can you look into this issue.
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