XEN or XF? This is the Question!


Well-known member
Hello folks, let's talking about these acronyms ...

what i need to know is fundamentally, what's the better 'prefix' between these 2 for my website (very soon i'll start one with WP installed for the italian crowd).

I know that a big part of this community has chosen XENsomething and not XFsomething, so i'm wondering about this ... why?

and also, i wanna know what's the better TLD for these sites ... i mean for the italian crowd will be better mysite.it or mysite.com, how google handles this things?


i.e. Google search:
xen vs xf (and xenforo)
so if I understood correctly, you opinion is that xen is better that xf ... right?
yes and stress opinion as I'm not sure myself but if I had to deduce, xen plus some relevant text to a search will more likely return results from your site than say xf as lots of things turn out to use xf as an acronym from a whole bunch of randomness.
So yes I would THINK that xen would be better plus I like the connotations I get when I say it. :)
Well every time i see the word xen here i think of the hypervisor. So i think XF would be the more logical wording.

Thats my 2c

I agree and disagree... For example what proportion of people even know what xen hyperviser is let alone think it when it is said (I Do and also use it regularly) but still... Personally I prefer sites like xenfans.com and xenaddicts etc... than xffans or xfaddicts it just doesn't look right or read right etc...

Just my 2c :)
XF is the perfect acronym that xenforo people will adopt.
google don't hear people speaking. google scan websites words (and acronym).

Build sites for your users, optimize it for google... After all google isn't going to use your site, your right google doesn't need to speak your domain but your users will...

XF is a perfect acronym but I think xen is a better nickname... who say you need to use the acronym?
I'm not sure you need a tool for this. You have to think about what people are going to search for... When they read about XenForo they're not going to type XF in Google to find more info. XF or XEN it doesn't matter much if they're looking for 'xenforo'. Personally I would go for Xen in the domain name, it's closer to xenforo and XF can be anything, it's not so obvious to someone visiting the site. If you're looking for high ranking your focus needs to be on content more than domain... Write articles about the software and use lots of important keywords like 'xenforo' , 'forum' and 'software'. Put bold tags around them, put them in <h1> and <h2> tags and page titles...
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