Xen Media Gallery (Media Gallery for XenForo) [Paid] [Deleted]

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Random media not very random in my block . With a few thousand photos to choose from, any idea why it seems to repeatedly show just a few of the same photos over and over. I've checked that all the categories and albums I want it to pull from are highlighted. Thanks
I'm using XF 1.4.2. I have the following on EXTRA.CSS:

.find_new_posts_none .tabs li:last-child , .find_new_posts .tabs li:last-child {display:none;}

That prevents the "New Profile Posts" tab from being shown when you visit find-new/posts however now that your add-on is installed the "New Profile Posts" is back again regardless having that trick on EXTRA.CSS and even worst after I click on "New Profile Posts" immediately after appears a third tab called "New Media".

I want to get rid of both tabs how I can do so please?

Oh and also I want to get rid of the "Media" menu in the navbar... without disabling people ability to upload photos so I think that I need a template edit. What should I edit?

So, at one point you were hiding the New Profile Posts tab. And now you want to hide the New Media tab. Why don't you just hide all of the tabs?

The easiest way to sort this is to edit the find_new_wrapper template and remove:
<xen:if is="{$showTabs}">
    <ul class="tabs">
    <xen:foreach loop="$tabs" key="$tabId" value="$tab">
        <li class="{xen:if '{$tabId} == {$selectedTab}', active}"><a href="{$tab.href}">{$tab.title}</a></li>

Oh and also I want to get rid of the "Media" menu in the navbar... without disabling people ability to upload photos so I think that I need a template edit. What should I edit?
Do you mean the Media navigation tab?


If so, how will people access the gallery to upload media if that isn't there?

That can be removed with CSS:
    display: none;

Or disable the navigation_tabs listener:
  1. Enable Debug Mode
  2. Go to Admin CP
  3. Development
  4. Code Event Listeners
  5. Find Xen Media Gallery in the list
  6. Below that find navigation_tabs
  7. Click the checkbox to disable
I just imported from vBulletin 3.8 Albums.

I have 2 problems:

1. I have edited the navigation template to add two menu items:

<li class="navTab {xen:if $extraTab.selected, 'selected', 'Popup PopupControl PopupClosed'}"><a href="{xen:link 'find-new/posts'}" rel="nofollow" class="navLink">{xen:phrase new_posts}</a></li>
<li class="navTab {xen:if $extraTab.selected, 'selected', 'Popup PopupControl PopupClosed'}"><a href="{xen:link 'account/news-feed'}" rel="nofollow" class="navLink">{xen:phrase your_news_feed}</a></li>

The problem I have is that whenever I go to a page powered by your add-on, for example media/users/chris.123/albums then I see the following on my navbar:


As you can see, my custom menu items get focus! Is there an easy workaround to fix that?

2. On your Gallery Statistics block I see: Disk Usage: 1.2GB which is so so what albums were using on vBulletin. However you're using like 6GB of disk space on my filesystem in folders like data/xengallery, data/attachments, internal_data/attachments, and so!!! (I didn't imported attached files from vBulletin nor I ever allowed people to upload attachments to my forum).

So why are you duplicating files all around the filesystem?

1) You've made a mistake in your template. The "selected" class is being added to multiple tabs, while the media one is selected. Supporting that would be beyond the remit of Xen Media Gallery support.

2) I'll answer your direct question:
So why are you duplicating files all around the filesystem?
I'm not.

Yet again another absurd conclusion you have jumped to without any understanding of what is really going on.
Well I'm not a programmer so I don't understand what is going on but in vBulletin album pictures were on the database and their space usage was low, now with your add-on it is using 6GB! Anyway not a big deal but it looks bad imho.
Well I'm not a programmer so I don't understand what is going on but in vBulletin album pictures were on the database and their space usage was low, now with your add-on it is using 6GB! Anyway not a big deal but it looks bad imho.

If you're not a programmer and don't understand this stuff, then you shouldn't be jumping to conclusions, as Chris said.

And remember, this is XenForo, not vBulletin.
data/xengallery is the directory which will house the actual thumbnails that display inside the gallery.

data/attachments is the directory where all XenForo attachment thumbnails are stored. XenForo does store another copy of the XMG thumbnails here. This is a XF behaviour that is mostly unavoidable.

The above two, being thumbnails, are typically not going to be accounting for much of your reported 6GB.

data/internal_data is the directory where all XenForo attachments are stored. This includes attachments in posts, attachments from add-ons such as Resource Manager and all XMG images.

I would guess this is where most of your disk usage is. The vB to XMG import gets the image (from the filesystem or database) and simply copies it. It only stores one copy. It will be the same file size as it was in vBulletin.

So, my theories are:
  • Your understanding of what the disk usage was in vBulletin was incorrect and it was significantly more than you thought.
  • You have done multiple imports from vB and the files from previous imports were not cleaned up, so you have duplicated the images yourself.
Two questions i was hoping you could help me with

1) Can you disable photos showing up in the recent activity screen? My members hate it being clogged up with images.

2) On vBulletin, i used to have a gallery system where when someone viewed the gallery page they were given 4 categories down the page like:

- Members albums (Members albums appear in here)
- Cars (Upload pictures of cars here)
- Cats (Upload pictures of cats here)
- Etc

Is this possible with this gallery? I'm trying to avoid people viewing the gallery page and being confronted with a page of user album photos. But rather, they can choose from a category to go and view instead, and then see a page full of photos.

I hope this makes sense.
Do you offer any kind of Wordpress integration to show the gallery images on a WP widget?
You can achieve something using a widget from www.RSSInclude.com .. quick (rough looking) example here: http://www.sevenoaksevents.com/xen-media-gallery/
I haven't (yet) been able to get this working for a video gallery to show the thumbnails in the RSS widget.
www.RSSInclude.com also offer a Wordpress widget to enable sidebar integration .. above example uses their Javascript option.
You can achieve something using a widget from www.RSSInclude.com .. quick (rough looking) example here: http://www.sevenoaksevents.com/xen-media-gallery/
I haven't (yet) been able to get this working for a video gallery to show the thumbnails in the RSS widget.
www.RSSInclude.com also offer a Wordpress widget to enable sidebar integration .. above example uses their Javascript option.
I'm not sure if I understood right, so this addon have a RSS to show pictures thumbnails?
Trix, I am ever so sorry, I don't understand how I missed it other than perhaps it was posted at 7:25am my local time and perhaps I read it first thing in the morning and it completely slipped my mind by the time I woke up properly. Sorry!

1) Can you disable photos showing up in the recent activity screen? My members hate it being clogged up with images.
There is no option for this, unfortunately.

2) On vBulletin, i used to have a gallery system where when someone viewed the gallery page they were given 4 categories down the page like:

- Members albums (Members albums appear in here)
- Cars (Upload pictures of cars here)
- Cats (Upload pictures of cats here)
- Etc
The navigation is quite different to how it works with vBulletin. Unfortunately there is no customisation in this area so the Media page will basically look like this:

Media   Xen Resources.webp
No need to apoligise :) Thanks for the reply, It's a shame i can't get it as i was hoping though :)

On that picture, i see on the right you can choose between Any/Site/Album.

Is it possible to have Album set as default? So that way if a member uploads 10 photos to their album, when someone views the gallery they wont be shown that persons 10 pictures taking up the screen.

A page of albums would be nicer to see than a page of photos if that makes sense.
Is it possible to have Album set as default? So that way if a member uploads 10 photos to their album, when someone views the gallery they wont be shown that persons 10 pictures taking up the screen.
All that option does is show the same page, and still show all the images, but it can show images that have been added to albums vs images that have been added to categories.

It is, however, possible to default the "Media" tab to open the "Albums" page, which is a list of the latest albums.

That would default to this page:
Albums   Xen Resources.webp

So, yeah, that would certainly solve the similar image problem :)
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