Xen Media Gallery (Media Gallery for XenForo) [Paid] [Deleted]

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Looks perfect - have been looking to replace xen media pro due to its lack of support and some basic styling issues.... this looks like it fits the bill....
The video embed system in XMG works off of the BB Code Media Site System.

You can choose which BB Code Media Sites can be used in the gallery based on the ones you have installed. By default, that is YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, Facebook etc.

Obviously with add-ons like this it means you can actually add pretty much any video / audio / media service to the gallery as you like.

It's all very easy.

Here's a YouTube video someone added recently: http://xenmediagallery.com/media/meow-mix-song-edm-cat-remix-by-ashworth-youtube.1251/

The default sites that come with XenForo (excluding Facebook) all automatically grab a thumbnail for the video too: http://xenmediagallery.com/media/categories/videos.6/

But it's important to note, that getting thumbnails for other video services would require custom development. I can probably help with that if necessary. But it's also important to note that some sites cannot have thumbnails at all.

SoundCloud is interesting because really they don't have thumbnails, as such, but I have made sure it's possible to add thubmnails manually (uploading a thumbnail for each video) or set it so that the same thumbnail can be used for all videos like what @MattW has done with SoundCloud on his site:


Hope that answers the question :)
I just want to say this is a great program! If this has already been asked, sorry. But, i would like to move up a video into another position on the media gallery home page. I click on the video and select the arrow to move up and it doesnt move anywhere. Anyone, can help explain how to move a video up or down?
This would be a great feature to have.... The only other way to do this right now is to upload the same video again and delete the older one... All this just to move up a video and you lose all the likes, comments etc on the video that was deleted. I have a welcome video that i uploaded first and then 8 more videos there after.. now i want the welcome video to show in the slider gallery and cant... Can you add this to the next upgrade?
Can you add this to the next upgrade?
That's not quite how it works.

There's a massive list of suggestions that have already been made. So far, only one person has suggested being able to re-order the media index (you) and in the grand scheme of things; it's unlikely to change from its current format. It's an index, it's supposed to show you the newest media in the Gallery. It doesn't seem logical to be able to make older items appear newer.

Suggestions can be made here:
An important notice regarding license renewals:

Anyone who purchased Xen Media Gallery at the very beginning has now owned their XMG license for 16 months. The normal license duration is 12 months, but this was extended by 4 months for those of you who purchased a license on or before August 31st 2013.

For a lot of you, the initial support duration is coming to an end. You will begin to receive alerts at http://xenmediagallery.com stating that your account upgrades has expired and you should renew it.

Currently, it is not possible to renew your upgrade without buying an entirely new license for £40 GBP. This is not necessary.

I am currently in the process of migrating Xen Media Gallery licenses to a new system. Once that is completed, you will be able to renew the licenses yourself. In the meantime, should you wish to renew your license, please send me a PM (http://xenmediagallery.com/conversations/add?to=Chris+D) where I will make arrangements with you directly.

Many thanks to everyone and their continued support :)
Deleting an image.

I have all permissions set correctly, but nowhere can I see an option to delete an image. Can someone please put me right. Thanks
Hi, I don't see a media toolbar anywhere and I have no check boxes on media for inline modding

I just checked permissions again and its 'allow' for every single media item.
Use the analyse permissions feature in the admin CP. Enter your name and look down the list and look for the delete media permission. What value is listed against that?
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