MG 1.1 Xen gallery cant show image forumlist

first of all sorry for my english.

i bought a xen gallery to day and i install it and i do all settings. now its working.

but i have a problem with "last videos on the forumlisting".

i did all setting what you say on this support forum but i cant find the solution.

when i changed the windows size to lower videos showing. but i do full size the window videos gone.

i added 2 images.


  • 2015-11-26_133420.webp
    72.1 KB · Views: 11
  • 2015-11-26_133301.webp
    23.8 KB · Views: 11
This appears to be an issue which is exasperated by your style not being responsive.

This is likely caused by outdated templates in your style, or similar.

You have a fixed width in your CSS:

    padding-right: 5px;
padding-left: 5px;
margin: 0 auto;
_width: 976px;
_margin: 0 auto;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -ms-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box;
width: 980px;


That would likely need to be "max-width: 980px" for it to work as a responsive design properly.
Does it work on a completely unedited default XenForo style?

If you no longer have that available, you can create it.

Admin CP > Appearance > Styles > Create New Style > and ensure "No Parent" is selected.
Doesn't particularly make much sense.

The only other thing I can see that is a problem is in the browser console you are getting this error:

    <script type="text/javascript">
var docUrl = window.location.href;
var docTitle = document.title.split(" |")[0];
$('.share-container').rrssb({ description: 'Yaşam Bu Forum bölümünde hayatın her alanına ait bilgiler ziyaretçiler tarafından istişare edilir ve yayımlanır.', emailSubject: 'I thought you might like this', image: '', title: docTitle, tweetvia:'yasambucom', url: docUrl });

Do you know what this is? And could you disable it temporarily to see if that changes anything? (Keep the XenForo Default style enabled for a bit longer while we test a bit more).
For reasons I don't understand - likely an add-on or some other customisation at play here, but you don't appear to have the expected HTML structure. Specifically, the XF default style should have:


Whereas you have:


Notice how .mainContainer and .mainContent divs are missing? This is pretty important. We use the width of the .mainContent div to do various calculations to render the slider in a responsive way. Without that, it all goes wrong, as you can see :)

So, any idea how that has happened? If not, you may need to disable all add-ons one by one until you identify the culprit.

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