Fixed WYSIWYG space issue with bullet and numbered lists


Well-known member
Affected version
XF2 Beta 5
When adding a bullet or numbered, currently there's a space added below them automatically.

WYSIWYG edit mode:


What we see after saving the message:


Notice there's a space added automatically below bullet and numbered lists. This did not occur in XF1 and that's why I'm reporting this as a bug in XF2.
Can you reproduce this here? I think there some code committed recently that may have fixed this.
What you see outside the editor is the correct and expected output. I just brought up the editor and the output matches.

What browser are you using?
What browser are you using?

You nailed it, Mike. I'm using Firefox and forgot to test in other browsers. It works properly in Chrome and Safari (on macOS). I hope the XenForo team will be able to make it work properly in Firefox.

Thank you.
I see this was flagged as a browser issue. Is this due to Firefox handling something different to Chrome and Safari. I would like to report the issue to Mozilla if I could get a little more detail.
This is actually something we still need to investigate. It looks like our list CSS isn't normalized.
As it turns out, it's because of some <dl> markup we're using as part of our form and a different behavior in Firefox. This is standard styling for Firefox for some time (you can see it in resource://gre-resources/html.css). This isn't something normalize.css covers due to high specificity being needed:

We'll need to consider how to handle this.
This is fixed now (for the next rollout/release). We have normalized some CSS within BB code output areas and the RTE to account for this different Firefox style sheet.
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