Fixed Wrong phrases when selecting an album for moderation


Well-known member
If you select a media for moderation you get the following options: delete media items, Restore media items and Deselect media items. This is OK.

However if you select an album for moderation you get the following options: Delete posts, Restore posts, Deselect posts.
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Seems like I can't reproduce this problem here on XenForo. Did you changed something?

On my forum the problem isn't present on media/users/someone.123/albums pages. The wrong phrases seems to be affecting only the Albums tab when viewing a member profile and selecting any of the albums for moderation.
It's specific to the profile page. The result will likely be that inline moderation will be removed there.

Only one inline moderation action can be applied on a given page.
This has been fixed in XFMG 1.0.5 with an additional fix that will appear in XF 1.4.7 that will ultimately prevent more than one inline mod overlay being added to the DOM.

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