XF 2.2 Widget conditional for user custom field


Well-known member
@Brogan , for 1.5. you had introduced in an article how to utilize user custom fields, so users have a bit more control regarding the layout - so I guess this one´s for you again. Using the XFMG widget on the forums index page, we´ld like to give users the choice to hide that block. Going by your guide I´d created the CUF "mediablock" and set the widget conditional
Unfortunaly, this doesn´t seem to work and regardless of the setting of that CUF the widget is still being displayed. Can you tell me, what I am doing wrong here?
The var is wrong - it should be: !$xf.visitor.Profile.custom_fields.mediablock -- capital P.

The var is wrong - it should be: !$xf.visitor.Profile.custom_fields.mediablock -- capital P.

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