Why aren't my adminCP options showing navigation or highlighting correct navigation tab?


Well-known member
I was able to get my addon's adminCP options listed as expected. I created an admin navigation link to show the options under Applications-> Contact US.

However, upon clicking on the option, the focus of the tab shifts to 'Home' instead of staying on 'Applications'. I'm not sure what's it that I'm missing?

Also - there are no navigation links as expected.

The $majorSection parameter in the routematch should be set to 'applications' for the applications tab.

The $majorSection parameter in the routematch should be set to 'applications' for the applications tab.

My new code is this:
public function match($routePath, Zend_Controller_Request_Http $request, XenForo_Router $router)
$action = $router->resolveActionWithStringParam($routePath, $request, 'addContactDepartment');
return $router->getRouteMatch('ContactUs_ControllerAdmin_Index', $action, 'applications');

I do get the correct tab selected, but the navigation links at the top of the title terminates at 'Applications >' , instead of 'Applications > Contact Us'. What step am I missing?
My new code is this:
public function match($routePath, Zend_Controller_Request_Http $request, XenForo_Router $router)
$action = $router->resolveActionWithStringParam($routePath, $request, 'addContactDepartment');
return $router->getRouteMatch('ContactUs_ControllerAdmin_Index', $action, 'applications');

I do get the correct tab selected, but the navigation links at the top of the title terminates at 'Applications >' , instead of 'Applications > Contact Us'. What step am I missing?

Setting up the breadcrumb and page title in your admin template. Take a look at the other templates. On mobile or I'd give an example
Setting up the breadcrumb and page title in your admin template. Take a look at the other templates. On mobile or I'd give an example
Thanks, Jake. Adding this to my template did the job, but not sure if it's the right way -

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