Who uses Patreon? Does anyone want an addon to promote forum members who are patrons?

I can see a use for 3-5. Some content creation teams may want to add support for all members of their youtube group or whatever.
I'd like to have support of more tiers. We currently have 4 out of 6 tiers in active use. I'd expect the other 2 tiers (high tiers) to be used once we start to promote Patreon more. Currently Patreon is more of a fallback option, as its not integrated with XF. But its a great system.
I'd like to have support of more tiers. We currently have 4 out of 6 tiers in active use. I'd expect the other 2 tiers (high tiers) to be used once we start to promote Patreon more. Currently Patreon is more of a fallback option, as its not integrated with XF. But its a great system.
Is six tiers the max that the lowest Patreon level allows?
I noticed this on the Patreon Developers page:
Integrate with Discourse
Discourse is modern forum software for online communities. The Fantasy Footballers have a public Discourse forum where members receive access to private “#FootClan Leagues” discussions and “Footclan” badging next to their aliases in Discourse.
Check out Fantasy Footballer’s forum

One thing that would be really useful is to allow members to connect XenForo accounts to Patreon accounts trough OAuth if its possible to then let them automatically follow us on Patreon. It would be useful to have a large following on Patreon so that we can promote account upgrades there.
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