Where to find moderators?


Well-known member
So forums work based on the amount of moderators ensuring the content cuts the mustard and the general running of the forum is smooth AND most importantly the community is vibrant.

But, as you know, starting a new community is hard; so how did you do it? Are there any tips to finding moderators, do you hire them?

e-moderation quoted me a £3000 set up & £1000 per month. I could hire a full time member of staff for that never mind online moderation. Any tips and advice would be appreciated.
Individuals who ask for the job are never, ever considered. I drag the best of the membership into the staff position kicking and screaming all the way. Don't be afraid to fire ruthlessly if they don't cut it, too.

Most often we aproach active and helpful members of the community and offer them the possition.

Though in the last 10 years or so, the moderation team has stayed about 80% the same, with only a few people leaving / being replaced.

Don't know if none-logged in people can see this link, but we have a pretty large staff aswell, to cover people busy with work, away on holiday etc. http://p8ntballer-forums.com/members/tagged/user_group/3
Now that our site is consistently active and rather large, we have an application and interview process people go through. In the past, when the demand for moderators was not as high, we would usually approach the most active and helpful members. I think it depends on the size of the community, really.
Our best moderators turned out to be the ones I asked to join the team myself. Generally they will be surprised that you even asked them. What I look for is people that can keep calm in heated discussions and generally are a bit older. Experience and intelligence are a big bonus.

Finding moderators is easy, finding good ones is generally hard. With power comes responsibility and that means they first have to be able to moderate themselves before they can moderate others. Having clear rules is important, so your moderators know how to act in each situation. You need to be involved as the admin and check on them. And you need to evaluate their activity and if they're doing a proper job. That means some may have to go, even if you like them personally.

It's volunteers work but almost the exact same principles apply as if you're running a business. You don't have to pay anyone, but to thank them you can give them certain privileges or gifts.

FYI this is my opinion as big board owner (+7M posts).
Now that our site is consistently active and rather large, we have an application and interview process people go through. In the past, when the demand for moderators was not as high, we would usually approach the most active and helpful members. I think it depends on the size of the community, really.
How did you grow from 0 to 50,000 members; was it through an adwords campaign?
This is just my experience. It is harder to get rid of a volunteer mod than a paid mod because well, they volunteered their time and that's prettty nice so I have recently decided to hire out. Easier for me to fire as I'm paying for it. That's just me. I don't want much to do with my communties other than to drop by as long as I can and as little as I can so this having the right staff is essential to me, my health and my family. In other words, I don't want to babysit a community or sit behind a stupid computer screen all day doing community crap. Been there, done that and never gonna do it again.
  • When you first make someone staff; make them feel welcomed. Just as welcomed as you did the first time they joined your site.
  • Find a balance between your idea person and the person people within your community can respect. These two don't always go hand in hand (they're not always the same). So finding a balance is key.
  • Don't make a troll staff. No matter how funny the person maybe... Don't do it.
  • Don't pay anyone. Ever. Drafted volunteers have better results. This will prevent unrealistic expectations from yourself (or them) and the individual will generally be there because they want to be there. Drafted is someone you ask to be staff and not someone who asked you.
  • Don't add people who request it. The man / woman who ask for it; is often the least trusting or deserving (you'll learn this if you ignore that advice).
  • Don't add people who don't want it. No one likes be forced into something & surprising someone with the role of staff is not always good.
  • Communication is important, but it doesn't mean you need their approval all the time. It's your site and they don't own it (you lead).
  • LEAD (by example). As much as it is important to communicate with your staff, you should also lead.
  • It's NOT a job. Don't treat your staff like employes. In fact you should try avoiding that word all together.
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