XF 2.2 Where to begin/beginners guide...


Sorry if I missed some glaring resource but I'm just looking for some help.

I apparently bit off more than I could chew in regard to purchasing XenForo and setting up a forum with how I envision it. I thought it would be a bit like, oh here insert your header image and change the color to this here, remove that thing there, poof you have your own look. That may or may not be the case but as of now, I'm under the assumption I have to buy a theme (the... better ones.. seem to cost money) to kind of get where I want to go unless I all of the sudden learn graphic design and programming, etc.

If this is incorrect, please let me know. I searched for beginners guide or where to begin and I found a thread from 2014. XenForo had a series on starting your forum up but it seems to be outdated with the 2. version that I'm using w/ the cloud subscription.

Not trying to be critical, just posting where I'm coming from and admitting, I may just be an idiot/not know where to look so that's why I'm asking for help.

Thanks for anything, appreciate the help.
The manual covers most things at a high level: https://xenforo.com/docs/xf2/

Styling is done in the ACP at admin.php?styles/<style>.1/style-properties .

The admin search will locate most things:
View attachment 296109

What is it you are trying to do?

It is incorrect. You don’t have to be a graphic designer or a coder.

Having said that it may help to be a bit handy at design for a nice logo and header.

I guess a better way to have put it is say.. AVSForum which, among others, is why I came to purchase XenForo. It has it's own look and add ons and all of that, right? Well, I thought I could pretty easily make my forum look somewhat like AVS. I thought the forum software would be sort of like Squarespace (at least how it was when I used it 10 years ago).

So, I want people to go to my website, it show the main forum (as there will only be one forum) and it has a kind of distinct look and color scheme that suits me. I know you CAN do this with the way it's set up but am I incorrect that you can do it without knowing a bit of IT/programming/coding/whatever you want to call it.

Can a college student who's somewhat tech savvy and knows what torrents are and a Plex server and uses a VPN.. can they easily set up a XenForo forum or do you have to know a bit more...

Thanks for replying and any future help.
I guess a better way to have put it is say.. AVSForum which, among others, is why I came to purchase XenForo. It has it's own look and add ons and all of that, right? Well, I thought I could pretty easily make my forum look somewhat like AVS. I thought the forum software would be sort of like Squarespace (at least how it was when I used it 10 years ago).

So, I want people to go to my website, it show the main forum (as there will only be one forum) and it has a kind of distinct look and color scheme that suits me. I know you CAN do this with the way it's set up but am I incorrect that you can do it without knowing a bit of IT/programming/coding/whatever you want to call it.

Can a college student who's somewhat tech savvy and knows what torrents are and a Plex server and uses a VPN.. can they easily set up a XenForo forum or do you have to know a bit more...

Thanks for replying and any future help.
I know how to set up Xenforo forums in my sleep but I don’t know exactly what a torrent is or even a plex server. Looking at AVSFourm, it’s very custom you see Xenforo core items but also a lot of stuff that’s custom developed. Don’t let you discourage its 100% possible for someone like you to do this, first become familiar with styling (colouring) your forum add your logo maybe try to change a icon on the forum to one you like first, little steps first. There’s also community add-ons and resources, reputable developers to do custom work as well.
Doing this yourself without any skills in using Xenforo styling is going to be time consuming and, at first, daunting. If you're prepared to put in the hours and time learning it can be very rewarding, however, if you want to get your site up and running fast, I'd advise using a paid for style. Check out @Pixel Exit styles, they're very good, easily adaptable and support is brilliant. I use their Bolt theme (comes in both light and dark in one package) on both my sites (links in my signature).

Their website and portfolio can be seen in the link below:

Wishing you luck and hope to see what you have achieved soon.
Sorry if I missed some glaring resource but I'm just looking for some help.

I apparently bit off more than I could chew in regard to purchasing XenForo and setting up a forum with how I envision it. I thought it would be a bit like, oh here insert your header image and change the color to this here, remove that thing there, poof you have your own look. That may or may not be the case but as of now, I'm under the assumption I have to buy a theme (the... better ones.. seem to cost money) to kind of get where I want to go unless I all of the sudden learn graphic design and programming, etc.

If this is incorrect, please let me know. I searched for beginners guide or where to begin and I found a thread from 2014. XenForo had a series on starting your forum up but it seems to be outdated with the 2. version that I'm using w/ the cloud subscription.

Not trying to be critical, just posting where I'm coming from and admitting, I may just be an idiot/not know where to look so that's why I'm asking for help.

Thanks for anything, appreciate the help.
Yeah I can relate to what you're probably going through regarding the confounding theme styling set-up.

😄 I've literally been trying to figure it out for 13 months now.

As you can see in the preceding comments, these are the typical sorts of responses we get, eg:

Post #2) A link to the manual you've probably already read through several times now and which literally does not include any instruction for effectively utilizing the full capabilities of the 'Styles and properties' functions.

Post #3) Basically a common passive-aggressive jab, amounting to a ******** assertion that theme design is easy for anyone. lmfao.

Posts #5/#6/#7) All boil down to: "Don't bother creating your own theme design. Just buy these generic prefab themes."

😏Yet they conveniently neglect to inform of the potential issues resulting from the template alterations which a lot of these third party themes do.

@jayhawku Would I be correct in that you are asking for a user friendly option which could enable a simplified means to fully utilize the existing Xenforo 'Styles and properties' tools in such a way that would allow you to freely & easily create your own uniquely customized forum theme?

😎Coz that's basically what I am also wanting too.

I've very recently proposed an idea to a reliable developer for a utility add-on that I think would sufficiently fulfill this much needed 'Styles and properties' user friendly enhancement.

At this stage I'm probably just going to pay for it myself as a private custom add-on. However if others are interested, then I'd encourage the developer to make it into a commercially available product.
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Yeah I can relate to what you're probably going through regarding the confounding theme styling set-up.

😄 I've literally been trying to figure it out for 13 months now.

As you can see in the preceding comments, these are the typical sorts of responses we get, eg:

Post #2) A link to the manual you've probably already read through several times now and which literally does not include any instruction for effectively utilizing the full capabilities of the 'Styles and properties' functions.

Post #3) Basically a common passive-aggressive jab, amounting to a bullsh_t assertion that theme design is easy for anyone. lmfao.

Posts #5/#6/#7) All boil down to: "Don't bother creating your own theme design. Just buy these generic prefab themes."

😏Yet they conveniently neglect to inform of the potential issues resulting from the template alterations which a lot of these third party themes do.

@jayhawku Would I be correct in that you are asking for a user friendly option which could enable a simplified means to fully utilize the existing Xenforo 'Styles and properties' tools in such a way that would allow you to freely & easily create your own uniquely customized forum theme?

😎Coz that's basically what I am also wanting too.

I've very recently proposed an idea to a reliable developer for a utility add-on that I think would sufficiently fulfill this much needed 'Styles and properties' user friendly enhancement.

At this stage I'm probably just going to pay for it myself as a private custom add-on. However if others are interested, then I'd encourage the developer to make it into a commercially available product.
Rather rude comment, there was helpful resources given to the user? Just because no one offered to build the user a custom forum doesn’t mean no one was helpful. In post 5 I wrote a paragraph about how they could do it themself and one sentence saying there are good developers here to help as well and you boilerplate my response as “Don't bother creating your own theme design. Just buy these generic prefab themes.” Yet then you say you’re going to have a developer build you something and then would possibly release it commercially, essentially becoming one of these “generic prefab theme” suppliers. What is the true nature of your comment besides to throw shade at well known users here for your own gain?
Rather rude comment, there was helpful resources given to the user? Just because no one offered to build the user a custom forum doesn’t mean no one was helpful. In post 5 I wrote a paragraph about how they could do it themself and one sentence saying there are good developers here to help as well and you boilerplate my response as “Don't bother creating your own theme design. Just buy these generic prefab themes.” Yet then you say you’re going to have a developer build you something and then would possibly release it commercially, essentially becoming one of these “generic prefab theme” suppliers. What is the true nature of your comment besides to throw shade at well known users here for your own gain?
Rude comment? 😂Mate, hate to break it to ya, but just as you have done, it was merely the sharing of subjective opinion.

Unsure if you're aware that the particular form of reactivity you've presented in the quoted post, is actually quite interesting too. However the fact is that now is not the time, nor is this the appropriate setting, to address these issues of yours.
Frankly they are no one's business but your own.

Regardless, thank you for sharing your subjective opinion. No doubt it will be appreciated.
Basically a common passive-aggressive jab, amounting to a bullsh_t assertion that theme design is easy for anyone. lmfao.
I didn't assert that it was easy, I implied it can be done.
it. I thought it would be a bit like, oh here insert your header image and change the color to this here, remove that thing there,

The OP was about changing colors here and there. In xenForo that is very easy with the color chooser in Style properties which the main documentation manual refers to. This can be done by sliding around the visual color sliders and meanwhile checking the site. Granted there is no live preview like WP, but it still does not require you to be a graphic designer or programmer, just do a bit of trial and error changing colors.

Re: header image, I took that to mean logo and is as simple as just choosing it on your desktop and uploading. This is required whether you use stock xenForo or a pre-made theme.

Re: background image then not quite so easy, you need to upload it to your server and specify the URL. A little more complex but not what I would call needing to be a coder.

Passive aggressive? I was only trying to help and answer the general question based on my own experience as an amateur.
I thought it would be a bit like, oh here insert your header image and change the color to this here, remove that thing there, poof you have your own look. That may or may not be the case but as of now, I'm under the assumption I have to buy a theme (the... better ones.. seem to cost money) to kind of get where I want to go unless I all of the sudden learn graphic design and programming, etc.
You can you try using this guide for absolute beginners, no programming necessary.

@jayhawku Would I be correct in that you are asking for a user friendly option which could enable a simplified means to fully utilize the existing Xenforo 'Styles and properties' tools in such a way that would allow you to freely & easily create your own uniquely customized forum theme?

😎Coz that's basically what I am also wanting too.

I've very recently proposed an idea to a reliable developer for a utility add-on that I think would sufficiently fulfill this much needed 'Styles and properties' user friendly enhancement.

At this stage I'm probably just going to pay for it myself as a private custom add-on. However if others are interested, then I'd encourage the developer to make it into a commercially available product.

Yet then you say you’re going to have a developer build you something and then would possibly release it commercially, essentially becoming one of these “generic prefab theme” suppliers. What is the true nature of your comment besides to throw shade at well known users here for your own gain?


I'm unsure how/or perhaps why you've concluded equating a utility add-on that would be specifically designed and intended for enabling user friendly theme customizability <> as being a generic prefab theme.

A prefab theme is a prefab theme.

A utility add-on is a utility add-on.

A prefab theme applies a specific prefabricated theme design.

A utility add-on designed specifically to improve back end ACP Styles and properties overall user friendly customizability, does not apply a prefabricated theme design.

A prefab theme does not improve back end ACP Styles and properties overall user friendly customizability.

How many prefabricated themes are there? 50? 100? 1000? More?

How many utility add-ons designed specifically to enable any administrator of any technical skill level the same general ability to freely customize their own fora theme with ease as they please? 0?

"What is the true nature of your comment besides to throw shade at well known users here for your own gain?"

One could reasonably inquire similarly of yourself.
Yet still, what gain could there possibly be from, as you've implied, supposedly-intentionally throwing shade at well known users?

One may justifiably question the true nature of your own comment besides to throw shade at a non-well known user here who simply shared their insights from their pov which seems relevant to the pov of the OP.
One may even wonder what it could be that you sought to gain by proactively gatekeeping.

I'm unsure how/or perhaps why you've concluded equating a utility add-on that would be specifically designed and intended for enabling user friendly theme customizability <> as being a generic prefab theme.

A prefab theme is a prefab theme.

A utility add-on is a utility add-on.

A prefab theme applies a specific prefabricated theme design.

A utility add-on designed specifically to improve back end ACP Styles and properties overall user friendly customizability, does not apply a prefabricated theme design.

A prefab theme does not improve back end ACP Styles and properties overall user friendly customizability.

How many prefabricated themes are there? 50? 100? 1000? More?

How many utility add-ons designed specifically to enable any administrator of any technical skill level the same general ability to freely customize their own fora theme with ease as they please? 0?

"What is the true nature of your comment besides to throw shade at well known users here for your own gain?"

One could reasonably inquire similarly of yourself.
Yet still, what gain could there possibly be from, as you've implied, supposedly-intentionally throwing shade at well known users?

One may justifiably question the true nature of your own comment besides to throw shade at a non-well known user here who simply shared their insights from their pov which seems relevant to the pov of the OP.
One may even wonder what it could be that you sought to gain by proactively gatekeeping.
(y) replying to a 2 month old thread to contribute nothing to OP's issue but instead to ruffle feathers, well done.
Unwatching this thread as well if you care to discuss this more feel free to DM me.
(y) replying to a 2 month old thread to contribute nothing to OP's issue but instead to ruffle feathers, well done.
Unwatching this thread as well if you care to discuss this more feel free to DM me.
Well Korsch. No. Your assertions are quite obviously neither true nor accurate, and very clearly not at all honest.

My intent is of course like any others and entirely beyond your subjective capacity to magically know, let alone dictate as you so please. Unless perhaps you are some sort of mind-reading psychic?

Is that the case Mr, Mrs/or Miss Korsch?

Are you a mind reader?

Regardless whether you are some amazing psychic. For the record, I am actually interested in the subject matter within this thread. Why? Frankly that is entirely none of your's, nor any other's business but mine own.

Am I, or anyone else here free to comment as I, or they, and including yourself, independently see fit? Or would we be required to first consider Korsch's arbitrary temporal parameters of what Korsch proclaims to be appropriate—according to Korsch? No doubt this would be subsequent to Korsch having done a little voodoo mind reading, therefore we may rest assured all is well and nothing is a miss.

Alas should you feel your feathers have somehow been ruffled, merely after reading my previous brief comment in which I have politely addressed what is actually being presented within that very particular commentary authored by yourself. If you would prefer, we could instead consider overtly and publicly discussing the glaring repeated gaslighting you seem so fond of employing whilst disingenuously presenting yourself as if not to be doing so.

Now as for your most generous offer to discuss your concerning behaviours with you in private. Yes of course I would certainly be quite willing to consider accepting your invitation thank you Mr, Mrs/or Miss Korsch, on the condition you genuinely acknowledge, admit and begin holding yourself accountable for the reprehensible behaviours you have thus far consistently demonstrated, after which you will immediately initiate proactively refraining from further offending, ideally henceforth until kicking the bucket, although my conditions shall be adequately satisfied simply by your proving genuine fulfilment within 1 single post consisting of a minimum of 777 words

This will certainly be a walk in the park for a mind-reader such as yourself, just as assisting XF beginners would be for one with such gifts.

So as for the primary matter this thread is intended, may I inquire as to what proactive steps you have taken in order to provide assistance for beginners?

Surely you regularly provide easy to follow guidance resources for newbs?

And actively provide objectively and demonstrably helpful answers for members general assistance requests?
The tools to create your own look are all there in the ACP under Appearance and in particular Style Properties:


Changing the appearance of the default look takes place in this section and can involve changing the colours and other properties that lie within this section. It's not immediately apparent as to how making changes here will display on the front end, so it would be wise to close the forum, experiment on one screen/browser tab in the ACP and refresh in the other to see how your changes affect the appearance. You can also use the ACP search to find different style properties. It's not rocket science, but it does take time to learn, and you have to be careful that changes you make in one style property doesn't impact on another negatively - it's very much a 'try it and see' approach.

When you see a site such as AVS Forums, they either have their own in-house design team, or they have employed the services of an external designer to give them their unique look. There are plenty of theme designers out there who would be willing to design to your specifications, but that will cost you, so be prepared for a hit.

When it comes to pre-designed themes, there's a lot more going on than just a few colour changes. There are many template changes involved too, which requires a different skill set. There can also be theme specific CSS templates that control the look and feel.

If you're coming into the fold fresh without any experience of the software, or any design experience, especially when it comes to CSS and template modifications, then you're going to hit a brick wall pretty quickly. You can get past this, but it will take a lot of time, patience and practice. This is why I suggested a pre-built theme if you want to get your site off of the ground quickly. You can then experiment with the theme and see what changes you can make within that framework; it will give you an insight as to how a theme is generated.

It would be useful to create a scratchboard of your requirements and list what it is you want and how you want it to look, you can then move on from there. You can also use your browser console to see how any CSS has been employed on sites that you wish to emulate and see if you can incorporate those into your own design. The extra.less file can be incredibly useful in overriding any default values, but again this takes practice to ensure you have the syntax correct and your changes only impact the style changes you want.

It can be daunting when you first install the software, and you have no idea how to make changes. If you're not sure how, then it would be useful to be more specific about what you want to achieve, and give examples - either links to the site you want to pull from, or screenshots. It would also be useful to have a link to your own site, so the structure can be examined and toyed with in the browser console.

I hope that this helps to make things a little clearer, and you can go experiment and achieve what it is you are looking for.
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