Approve them or delete them. The queue is ordered by the content creation date (or registration date) so if you have new users awaiting approval but loads of old posts, then those old posts need to be handled first.
How does a site get into a position where it has hundreds of posts awaiting approval? Is this a typical build-up of content, or have the entries been in the queue for a long time?
Thank You
@Chris D
But please understand that there may be multiple reasons why we keep lot of content in moderation. We have 12,000 posts out of which we intentionally kept 2,000 posts in queue (unapproved lot of posts as they need to be reviewed by our other moderators, and it takes really long time and so unlikely to be approved/deleted anytime soon.)
We had no problem in XF 1.5, as User Approval page was different from Content (Posts) Approval page.
But in XF 2.0, you mixed both into one page, so it has become problematic.
I understand your logic, but cannot understand why its done that way.
1) Why there is no pagination for the content approval ? (or) at least an option in content approval queue to see pending Users & Posts separately.
2) If there is no pagination, then the content queue should have displayed
newer content first. (or at least we should be given option to list the content by newer/older date)
3) In ACP, there should have been a link for
Users Awaiting Approval. Also I can see a clear DELETE symbol for every user, but no APPROVE symbol besides the user names awaiting approval. So apart from content approval queue on home page, I do not have a clear option to approve users in ACP.