Where/how do i enable/find the node PHPCallback tab?

Hmm, now i seem to get this.

Where's the class located?

It should be in the library/eipSoftware/wppages/wppagecallback.php file.

And it should have a public static function called respond.

Hmm.. Not sure,

This is what's in there though.

class eipSoftware_wppages_wppagecallback
    private static $filename = "/media/webfiles/articles/wp-config.php"; 
    private static $conntype = "pdo";    //"mysqli";
    private static $options = array();            //store the various forum options
    private static $pageDescription;
    private static $connInfo = array();
    private static $wpHtml = array('wpdate'=>'1/1/2013','wptitle'=>'Title Unavailable'
                                  ,'wppost'=>'Empty', 'wplink'=>'index.html', 'wpuser'=>'Unknown');
    private static function getAddOnOptions()
        self::$conntype = strtolower(self::getOptionValue("eipWPArticleAsPageNode", "eipWPPagesConnType"));
        self::$filename = self::getOptionValue("eipWPArticleAsPageNode", "eipWPConfigFileName");
     * read the option value from the admin control panel
     * @param string $addon
     * @param string $option_name
    private static function getOptionValue($addon,$option_name)
            self::$options[$addon][$option_name] = XenForo_Application::get('options')->$option_name;
     * load the config info from WP file
    private static function loadWPInfo()
        include_once self::$filename;
        self::$connInfo['prefix']    = $table_prefix;            //table prefix for wordpress tables
     * save the config info into an array
    private static function buildConnInfo()
        self::$connInfo['host']     = DB_HOST;
        self::$connInfo['dbname']     = DB_NAME;
        self::$connInfo['username'] = DB_USER;
        self::$connInfo['password'] = DB_PASSWORD;
     * run the query and store the vaules in an array
    private static function getWPArticle()
        switch (self::$conntype)
            case "mysqli":
                $db = new eipSoftware_wppages_extmysql(self::$connInfo, $querytype="SELECT");
            case "pdo":
                $db = new eipSoftware_wppages_extpdo(self::$connInfo, $querytype="SELECT");
                $result =0;

        $result = $db->RunQuery(qry_getWPPost(array(':slug'=>self::$pageDescription),self::$conntype,self::$connInfo['prefix']));
        if (count($result) > 0)
            self::$wpHtml = array('wpdate'=>date_i18n(get_option('date_format'),strtotime($result[0]['post_date']))
     * Get the wp post and return the values back to the template
     * @param XenForo_ControllerPublic_Abstract $controller
     * @param XenForo_ControllerResponse_Abstract $response
    public static function respond(XenForo_ControllerPublic_Abstract $controller, XenForo_ControllerResponse_Abstract &$response)
        self::getAddOnOptions();        //get the options from admin control panel
        self::$pageDescription = ($response->params["page"]["description"]) ? $response->params["page"]["description"] : "blank";

        self::$wpHtml['debug'] = "start: " . date("m/d/Y H.i.s") . " <br />" . $response->params["page"]["description"] . " end";
        $response->params['htmlValue'] = self::$wpHtml;
        $response->templateName = "eipSoftware_wppage";
* Format the query to get the post
* @param array $parmeters slug
* @param string $prefix
* @return eipSoftware_wppages_wpquery
function qry_getWPPost($parmeters, $conntype="pdo", $prefix="")
    $qry = new eipSoftware_wppages_wpquery(
            SELECT    p.post_date
            FROM    " . $prefix . "posts AS p
                    LEFT OUTER JOIN " . $prefix . "users AS u
                        ON p.post_author = u.id
                    INNER JOIN
                    SELECT    p1.id
                    FROM     " . $prefix . "posts AS p1
                    WHERE    p1.post_title = :slug
                            AND p1.post_status IN ('publish','inherit')
                    GROUP BY p1.post_title
                    ) sq
                    ON p.id = sq.id
            ,array(':slug'=>($conntype=="pdo") ?  PDO::PARAM_STR : 's')
That file has to be in the correct location.

Copy it to library/eipSoftware/wppages/wppagecallback.php

Sorry, that's where i got it from. yes, it's in the correct location.

For the Database info, is it wanting WP or XF database input?
Sorry, that's where i got it from. yes, it's in the correct location.

For the Database info, is it wanting WP or XF database input?

It isn't in the correct location. The error you described is only raised if the file is in the wrong location.

The folder names are case sensitive.

I have no idea re database. You would have to ask the person that made it.

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