XF 2.0 Where do I edit the color of this text?

Sal Collaziano

Well-known member
I'm doing a little customizing and I can't find the "Register" text. I've managed to update the color of text everywhere but here. I figured it would be in the popup menus section - but nothing I change there works. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance...

Last edited:
- Where to darken the text for the "Your name or email address" area?
in Forms -- Form label column just change the text color

- Where to lighten the text under "New Member"?
to make sure you don't break anything use this code:
.menu--account {
    .pairs > dt {
        color: yourcolorhere;

- Where to lighten the user menu where you see "Following" - it's only seen when you hover over it. I need to change that from back to something else...
in Popup menus -- Menu link row label column just change the text color
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