XF 2.1 When I ban a user, they are not banned


Well-known member
When I ban a user and click Save, the system says there are no banned users.
And when I Go to Banned users,
No users are listed.
This was working fine a few days ago
I cannot believe it
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Its exactly as I said above
I have no banned users
If I ban one and click Save
It says there are no banned users.
Then if I go to the list of banned users there are none.
It was working OK till two days ago.

The only thing that has changed is that I let a Xenforo member in as as Admin to help me with something else.
Sounds Strange. Do you have any 3rd party Add-ons installed?
If so: Did you try to disable them and try again?
Yes I do!
I had banned a few users before and the system worked just as I thought it would.
But I installed an add on 2 days ago, so you may be right.
This add-on is by a well repected developer.
Buy I'll check it out.
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