XF 2.1 When add new resource to moderate, thread is marked as deleted

Oh, I get it, we don't understand each other. I have problem with moderated resources. I have 5 years XenForo and each time, when someone post new resource, we get in moderation queue notification about new resource, but only resource, nothing else. After we approve that resource, system automatically create new thread. But now, if anybody post new resource, in moderation queue we have new resource and new [Deleted] topic, but why if we didn't even approve that resource?
This is, for the most part, the expected behavior. The thread title is based on the resource's title -- if the resource isn't visible, it gets the deletion value. (In this case, moderation counts as deletion -- it's effectively the same from an end user perspective.)

The thread is created at the same time as the resource and it matches the initial creation state to ensure the thread doesn't get posted until the resource is available.

Once you approve the resource, the thread's title should be changed automatically (it won't have the "deleted" suffix).
I understand this. But I don't get, why it works 5 years like I say and now it works totally different. And no it didn't happen after I update to 2.1 (14 days back), it happen in no time, nobody did something important on system.
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