When a user cancels are recurring payment in XF, does it stop payments in Paypal and Stripe?

Yeah that's why I use Stripe. That and you don't leave your site when doing an upgrade. It works really well.
Does anyone have recommendations for membership software that might be able to integrate with XF? (outside of like Patron)
Hmmm.....We've been doing this for several years with PayPal. At this stage, offering another payment option might be confusing. Suggestions?
Hmmm.....We've been doing this for several years with PayPal. At this stage, offering another payment option might be confusing. Suggestions?
Offer it as an alternative for an extended period of time and gradually phase out paypal? :)
We have recurring payments set in PayPal, so those won't easily change.

We have now set up Stripe, but it has a single annoying limit: It won't accept recurring payments (subscriptions) for intervals of more than a year, so our five-year upgrade can't use Stripe (but the lifetime can since it's a single payment).

We're also having problems integrating Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc.
Yeah that's why I use Stripe. That and you don't leave your site when doing an upgrade. It works really well.
FYI: over 50% of our users pay us through PayPal. I'm sure we would lose some of those sales if we offered Stripe only.
What's the use case for this? I ask because Xenforo is our membership software.
Just keep running into common issues where people want to cancel, or coupons, or reminders, or whatever else just isn't quite there yet. I use it for quite a few also, but people are constantly complaining and thinking about trying something else. Ive looked around, and all the ones I found ask for like 5%-10% rev, might just be the best option for that added level of scale.
What is that postback used for?
The postback is the IPN notification to the site that informs XF about the payment and processes the upgrade. My post was referring to the fact that with Stripe you need to set this postback/webhook URL up manually, whereas with PayPal it's set within the payment request itself.
Stripe is awesome. Users never leave the site and can cancel on the site. Never going back to Paypal
How do you handle the following scenarios: failed payment and card expires.

KEY: when a payment fails in Stripe, at what point does the user group get downgraded in Xenforo


Many thanks,
XF expires the upgrade 24 hours after the date it was due to expire if it hasn't received a webhook postback to extend it. It's not directly related to the number of tries set up in Stripe. It's a deadman's switch XF's side that just ends if it isn't kept alive for another month.
To make sure I understand this (and thank you for helping)...

Mike pays through Stripe. He has recurring user upgrade that expires tomorrow. Mike's last payment failed because his card expired. Tomorrow comes. Mike's user upgrade is removed. A few days later, he updates his card in Stripe.

Outcome: He doesn't have the user upgrade he's paying for.

This is a non-issue because he will reach out to us.

Am I missing anything?

Many thanks,

Separately, how do you handle receipts?
A few days later, he updates his card in Stripe.
As far as I know there's no way to do this currently. You need to resubscribe with new card. There isn't an interface in XF to fix cc info YET hint hint nudge nudge @Chris D know what I mean know what I mean? Cough 2.3 please?
There isn't an interface in XF to fix cc
This creates a security risk, as far as I understand it.

And same as you, we are forced to ask users to cancel a user upgrade and then purchase it again. Since the user initiates the request: cancel and then resubscribe is an inconvenience but not a dealbreaker.

I don't think Xenforo cares about the card that's on file at Stripe, only the subscription (see below).
XF expires the upgrade 24 hours after the date it was due to expire if it hasn't received a webhook postback to extend it. It's not directly related to the number of tries set up in Stripe. It's a deadman's switch XF's side that just ends if it isn't kept alive for another month.

I wonder if Stripe has a feature to send an update your card email? That would solve the problem? I need to research that.
For the most part Stripe should actually update card details when they expire, as they work with the card providers to update the details automatically.
As I understand there's a secure API XF could use.
Card details entered never go to your server, it's all done using Stripe.js to collect them. Would be a bit nicer if they used Stripe Checkout instead, but either way Stripe does have a customer portal functionality that can be integrated to allow people to update their card details and such, and it's extremely easy to implement. Made a suggestion about it quite some time ago https://xenforo.com/community/threa...ate-payment-details-when-using-stripe.195341/
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