What Is You Experience With TinyMCE [XenForo's Editor]?

I find it easier, most of the times, to paste the content without any formatting (Ctrl + Shift + v instead of Ctrl + v) for the very same issues. Then I simply format it as I wish it to appear.
Like Mike pointed out... the looks of TinyMCE (or even CKEditor for that matter) can be made to look like whatever you want. If XF can get the missing tabs thing worked out in the current editor, I have no complaints at all.

What are you talking about with TABS?
Are you talking about when you copy and paste content from another site and formatting is carried across with it. If yes, that is a problem most WYSIWYG editors suffer from, you would usually switch to HTML mode and paste copied text to be sure formatting gets left behind and then switch back to normal mode. Even when I used IPB 3 with it's own editor it suffered from that same issue with it being WYSIWYG.

That's if I'm reading you right here?

Yes that's what I'm talking about. I know how to prevent it and do it myself but we have many new users/posts everyday and users don't know it. I think there has to be an option to paste texts without the formatting by default.
I know, that's the big problem because your users don't know and do it by accident. That's were none WYSIWYG editors have an advantage over them. It's not something you have to worry about happening with them. The MyBB forum I run doesn't use an WYSIWYG editor.

Downside is it doesn't show formatting on the fly, you see the code used instead while typing.
Anyway it is necessary to have a choice between WYSIWYG editors in a basic configuration.
Besides it there should be an easy way of adding of own buttons and output agents. Now it actually misses, as all decisions applied in plug-ins, are or direct editing of templates, or search and changeover of the necessary lines. It cannot be comprehensible as complicates development of an additional functional and does not insure against conflicts between plug-ins.

Generally is many owners and users of forums whom TinyMCE does not like, and to replace it on other editor extremely difficult. It also needs to be considered.
I'm fine with TinyMCE but the pop-up delays when posting links, images are real pain.
The editor used is probably the thing about XenForo I like the least. I have never posted about it because it isn't that much of an issue, I usually do bbcode manually anyway. If I do use an overlay, however, it frustrates me every time. It takes away from everything else with how slow it loads. And after reading this I do agree the look of it is below the level of the rest of the site.
To be honest I look at it as one of the weak points in XF. Yes it has some good points too, but overall it comes out mediocre at best.
I like the simplistic look of TinyMCE, however the delay in the popup really annoys me. I can't say I've actually experienced any problems with using it, myself.
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