XF 2.1 What element is this called?


I want to change the background colour of some headers. For example, the Main Catagory box header, the Staff Online, the Members Online. But for the life of me I can't figure out what the elements are called in the Appearance->Style Properties.

Anyone know where I can find them?
Assuming that this is the default style that ships with XenForo...

To change the forum category (major heading) background colour, browse to Group: Basic colors and look for the "Heading" section or search for majorHeadingBg. If you need more control, you can make further changes (such as removing the gradient) in Group: Blocks -> Block header. In the Admin CP, search for blockHeader.

Sidebar headers (minor heading) don't have a background colour by default, but you can add one in Group: Blocks -> Block minor header. In the Admin CP, search for blockMinorHeader.
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@Lighthope you can have a look in here.
Hope it will help you to figure where and how to do your changes. Cheers.
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