XF 1.5 what CSS do I use to style usernames?


Well-known member
I was editing my User Groups and want to style usernames with CSS. But exactly what do I put in this setting? I tried {color:white;} with no effect. Help please!
It doesn't work. It only changes the display color of the name of the User Group, but usernames listed in the On-line list for example remain unchanged. Weird. Any ideas? Thanks!
Already tried that one and it doesn't work. :(
I recommend you to upgrade your board to XenForo 2.1 :
I'd like to, but my license has expired so I can't update past like 2.0. Also, my style is no longer supported, and many of my plugins have not been updated. And I've modded my site so much that it would be next to impossible to re-create, esp. since the template system has changed. :(
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