what are you currently working on?

*Ahem* EverythingHalo - nothing much going on right now, but that's going to be a busy Halo 5 forum. I have 1 and a half years to work on this. :)
That's too many forums for me. I get overwhelmed when I see a forum with too many subforums. All the forums I'm on have around 12 subforums. Yours has like... 39. If I were you, just create one subforum for each game and the other subforums should just be a stickied thread in each game.
That's too many forums for me. I get overwhelmed when I see a forum with too many subforums. All the forums I'm on have around 12 subforums. Yours has like... 39. If I were you, just create one subforum for each game and the other subforums should just be a stickied thread in each game.
I will begin condensing the forums to be structured similar to CODForums in the future.
As with John, not XF related but tidying up a custom site for a military flight sim community (picked up from previous coder who was kicked half way through!) and finding gainful employment which ain't easy in NW England at the moment... :(
Still working on turning my 2008 design into something viable in late 2013.

Progress is slow but coming along!, back in 2008 it was all bitmaps and jpegs XD no dynamic text/stats, last post etc!
Currently working on dumbing down the forum. Really sick and tired of noobs saying its too confusing. By getting rid of the forum list, that helped IMMENSELY, @Digital Doctor was really on to something when he made his rant about it. Now noobs are thanking me and saying the site is easier.

I think I'll create some custom tooltips and notices next. I shouldn't depend so much on them actually going to the help forum to read the FAQ threads. I keep forgetting how lazy people are.
Figuring out what I want to do with anothercamera.com - whether to make it a forum/gallery or something else (using WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc).
I know! Sports one. I don't know if I'm allowed to say who is helping you but he's doing a damn good job. I'm really impressed.
I know! Sports one. I don't know if I'm allowed to say who is helping you but he's doing a damn good job. I'm really impressed.
Yeah I'm not sure if he wants to be mentioned or not. It's turning out amazing though, way more than I ever expected to be done. I asked for help running it and he like went nuts with it. I'm working on a script that fetches all the games and makes threads for each one in their correct sport. Then runs every few minutes on select days to grab the updated scores, and if it changes a 'score bot' (name pending), will post the new score in that thread.
Regressing in time and trying to remember all the fun of myBB. (n)
Since I've registered several domains I'm going to start 'em out on myBB (already spending enough for a car payment as it is on this hobby) - and if they start taking off then I'll get XF licenses for them and do a conversion.
  • It is intellectual property theft to make copies of intellectual property that you do not own on your own servers, but there is no intellectual property theft when you provide a simple text link within an HTML document that points to the location of another image or file (simply called a "link").


I've been trying to prevent hotlinking on my site to save bandwidth.

But due to me using metamirror in all my public forums (I should've only enabled it in the private forums) the damage is done, so to save my butt I will have to disable "can view attachments" for guests. The problem with that is that I also use Tinthe Attachment Image Optimization which circumvents that permission. Hmmm.
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