XF 1.1 Weird email issue


Well-known member
Today we sent out a mass email to all our users. And there was a problem, the email was sent twice to each user. Once as a plain text and once as html. And since our email was supposed to be html, the first one looked very bad for us. Albeit we are still a small forum and in testing phase, it wasn't a big issue as such.

I checked the admin logs, and everything in there looks fine.

Any ideas?
That is odd. You sure you didn't accidentally double click the send button, or anything?

Might be worth you doing a couple of more tests to a smaller subset of your users.
That is the weirdest part, as it was our first email, I wanted it to be perfect, so had spent a couple of hours perfecting the email. A couple of users including me were sent the emails a multitude of times, and everything went fine.

When we sent the final email, this issue happened.

The double click was the first thing that came to my mind and hence checked the admin,ogs, nothing in them that shows double click, just to verify, when an email is sent, it create three entries in the log, correct?
I received the e-mails too, and the only other thing I thought of is whether it's your SMTP server. Looks like you're using live.com, I received the e-mails too.
Yeah, sorry, it is being sent via your local SMTP as far as I can tell, but the e-mail appears from an address @live.com.

Wish I knew how to sort this. Further testing definitely required. Feel free to spam me if you want to test it.
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