XF 2.0 weird character & symbols

Jake Sully

Active member
I have now moved a site of mine to a local server for dev use and i noticed that my xenforo started to get … in some locations and i cannot find out how to get rid of it. It started to show when i putted it on PHP 7.1, so i hope there is a easy way to fix this.

I also tried to covert the database over to utf-8, but that did not help. the "…" is still showing up on few buttons, some text links and so on.

Has anyone found a solution for this issue? I'm having the same problem. My admin had to upgrade my server to PHP 7.1, and the last couple of days I've noticed this character in many buttons, messages and form field placeholders.
reminds me of a character encoding thing with wordpress years ago, turned apostrophes into â€.


Find the following two lines and comment them out:

//define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');

//define('DB_COLLATE', '');

This character encoding problem can happen after a database upgrade too so it doesn’t hurt to keep this trick in your mind just in case.

Thanks—going to give this a try and report back.
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